Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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easonable limits through means which do not themselves produce more harm than they<br />

prevent.” Funnet på www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/Library/studies/fada/fadamenu.htm<br />

175 Richard Brunstrom, Drugs Policy – A Radical Look Ahead. Funnet på<br />

http://www.drugequality.org/files/Drugs_Policy_Paper_2007.pdf<br />

176 Om det irrasjonelle skillet mellom legale og illegale stoffer<br />

Vi har allerede vært inne på saken når vi tok for oss Storbritannias ABC system. Her er mer<br />

om hva de forskjellige rapportene sier om den: Runciman-rapporten (som mange andre)<br />

konkluderte med at alkohol og tobakk var langt farligere enn cannabis. I tillegg kom the<br />

Beckley Foundation, i oktober 2008, med en omfattende rapport til House of Lords som gikk<br />

under navnet Global Cannabis Commission Report. Denne rapporten gir et overblikk over de<br />

siste vitenskapelige funnene knyttet til cannabis, og politikken rundt planten, samt gir<br />

anbefalinger omhensiktsmessige tiltak videre.<br />

Også denne rapporten konkluderte med at cannabis var et mindre farlig rusmiddel<br />

enn tobakk og alkohol, og at mye av problembildet tilknyttet cannabis er et resultat av<br />

kriminaliseringen (”Many of the harms associated with cannabis use are the result of<br />

prohibition itself, particularly the social harms arising from arrest and imprisonment”).<br />

Her er noen av rapportens konklusjoner:<br />

“The probability and scale of harm among heavy cannabis users is modest compared with<br />

that caused by many other psychoactive substances, both legal and illegal, in common use,<br />

namely, alcohol, tobacco, amphetamines, cocaine and heroin.”<br />

“Measures to reduce penalties or to decriminalize possession and use have been adopted in<br />

numerous jurisdictions without an upsurge in use. Moreover these reform measures have<br />

had some success in ameliorating the adverse consequences of prohibition.”<br />

“‘That which is prohibited cannot be regulated’. There are thus advantages for governments<br />

in moving toward a regime of regulated legal availability under strict controls, using the<br />

variety of mechanisms available to regulate a legal market, such as taxation, availability<br />

controls, minimum legal age for use and purchase, labeling and potency limits.”<br />

En annen god rapport som viser det irrasjonelle skillet mellom legale og illegale stoffer, er<br />

Development of a rational scale to assess the harm of drugs of potential misuse av David<br />

Nutt, Leslie A King, William Saulsbury, og Colin Blakemore (funnet på<br />

http://www.drugequality.org/reading.htm):<br />

“This excerpt summarises the findings: Our findings raise questions about the validity of the<br />

current Misuse of Drugs Act classification, despite the fact that it is nominally based on an<br />

assessment of risk to users and society. The discrepancies between our findings and current<br />

classifications are especially striking in relation to psychedelic-type drugs. Our results also<br />


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