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Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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19 Kathrine Kveim, Narkotikapolitikk og folkelig fornuft, 12. desember 2005. Fra<br />

http://www.forskning.no/artikler/2005/desember/1134052702.35<br />

20 Parris sa dette i artiklen Just a whiff of mind altering substances, The Times, 7. juni 2001.<br />

21 Professor Peter Reuter and Alex Stevens, An Analysis of UK Drug Policy (2007) Finnes på<br />

www.ukdpc.org.uk.<br />


House of Commons Minutes of Oral Evidence Taken before the Science and Technology<br />

Committee, 1 Mars 2006. Q 118 (I forbindelse med denne utskriften gjør forfatterne<br />

oppmerksom på følgende: “The transcript is not yet an approved formal record of these<br />

proceedings. Any public use of, or reference to the contents should make clear that neither<br />

Members nor witnesses have had the opportunity to correct the record.”)<br />

23 The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee så nærmere på<br />

klassifiseringen av de illegale og legale stoffene, samt det vitenskapelige grunnlaget det<br />

bygget på, og konkluderte med at ABC systemet var uvitenskapelig og ubrukelig. Den foreslo<br />

et oppgjør med denne praksisen, og sa dette i en oppsummering helt tidlig i rapporten:<br />

"With respect to the ABC classification system, we have identified significant anomalies in<br />

the classification of individual drugs and a regrettable lack of consistency in the rationale<br />

used to make classification decisions. In addition, we have expressed concern at the<br />

Government’s proclivity for using the classification system as a means of ‘sending out<br />

signals’ to potential users and society at large — it is at odds with the stated objective of<br />

classifying drugs on the basis of harm and the Government has not made any attempt to<br />

develop an evidence base on which to draw in determining the ‘signal’ being sent out.<br />

We have found no convincing evidence for the deterrent effect, which is widely seen as<br />

underpinning the Government’s classification policy, and have criticised the Government for<br />

failing to meet its commitments to evidence based policy making in this area. More<br />

generally, the weakness of the evidence base on addiction and drug abuse is a severe<br />

hindrance to effective policy making and we have therefore urged the Government to<br />

increase significantly its investment in research.<br />

Finally, we have concluded that the current classification system is not fit for purpose and<br />

should be replaced with a more scientifically based scale of harm, decoupled from penalties<br />

for possession and trafficking. In light of the serious failings of the ABC classification system<br />

that we have identified, we urge the Home Secretary to honour his predecessor’s<br />

commitment to review the current system, and to do so without further delay." (House of<br />

Commons Science and Technology Committee Drug classification: making a hash of it? Fifth<br />

Report of Session 2005–06 Funnet på<br />

http://www.drugequality.org/files/Making_a_Hash_of_It_2006.pdf)<br />


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