Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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of morphine daily for most of 37 years. She is alert mentally but is bent with rheumatism.<br />

However, she does physical labor everyday and makes her own living.” (Theodore<br />

Dalrymple, Romancing Opiates: Pharmalogical lies and the addiction bureaucracy (Encounter<br />

Books 2008) s 33.)<br />

John Stossel forteller her om en annen undersøkelse: “In 2005, the British Journal of<br />

Health Psychology reported that a study of 126 long-term heroin users showed that:<br />

‘Participants had levels of occupational status and educational achievement comparable to<br />

that in the general U.K. population, and considerably higher than typically found in heroin<br />

research.’<br />

The researchers advised, ‘Drug research should more fully incorporate previously hidden<br />

populations to more fully inform theory and practice,’ adding that the ‘pharmacological<br />

properties of specific substances should not be assumed to inevitably lead to addictive and<br />

destructive patterns of drug use.’” (John Stossel, Legalize Every Drug, Nysun.com 18. Juni<br />

2008.)<br />

Som vi har vært inne på er det først og fremst forbudets konsekvenser som fører<br />

heroinistene ut i uføret. Og man kan, med kvalitetssikrede doser og en forståelse av hva man<br />

driver med, bruke heroin livet ut uten andre fysiske symptomer enn forstoppelse. Et godt<br />

eksempel på det, er Dr William Stewart Halsted (1852-1922). Han er en av grunnleggerne av<br />

Johns Hopkins hospital i 1889, og en av USAs mest berømte kirurger. Hva som er mindre<br />

kjent, er at han gikk på daglige doser morfin fra han var 34 til han døde i 1922. Han var da 70<br />

år og hadde helt frem til det, god helse og en meget vellykket yrkeskarriere bak seg. (Edward<br />

M. Brecher med flere, The Consumers Union Report - Licit and Illicit Drugs, kapittel 5)<br />

Selv om avhengighetspotensialet er stort, er det langt fra så omfattende som<br />

forbudstilhengerne gir inntrykk av. Rekreativ bruk av også dette stoffet er derfor helt fint<br />

mulig, som sitatene under viser:<br />

“There is no question that some users can mainline heroin only once in a while, usually<br />

shooting the drug only in certain situations — to reduce anxiety in personal relationships, for<br />

example, or to feel good at weekend parties. In street jargon, this sort of occasional use is<br />

known as ‘chipping,’ and it seems that some lucky individuals remain successful chippers<br />

over months and even years. Unfortunately, a high percentage of chippers eventually go on<br />

to become addicted, so the practice is risky. Most junkies began as chippers, and many never<br />

thought they would become addicts.” (Andrew Weil & Winifred Rosen, From Chocolate to<br />

Morphine; Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs (Houghton Mifflin<br />

2004), s 104.)<br />

“In 2005, the British Journal of Health Psychology reported that a study of 126 long-term<br />

heroin users showed that: "Participants had levels of occupational status and educational<br />

achievement comparable to that in the general U.K. population, and considerably higher<br />

than typically found in heroin research."<br />


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