Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Brechter sier dette om avhengighetsproblematikken forbundet med kokain: “Cocaine<br />

addiction differs from opiate addiction, and from alcohol and barbiturate addiction, in at<br />

least two respects. A cocaine user, even after prolonged use of large doses, does not, if<br />

deprived of his drug, suffer from a dramatic withdrawal crisis like alcoholic delirium tremens<br />

or like the opiate withdrawal syndrome. The physical effects of cocaine withdrawal are<br />

minor. This has led many authorities, mistakenly, to classify cocaine as a nonaddicting drug.<br />

However, cocaine withdrawal is characterized by a profound psychological manifestation —<br />

depression — for which cocaine itself appears to the user to be the only remedy; cocaine<br />

addiction in this respect resembles tobacco addiction more closely than it resembles opiate<br />

addiction or alcoholism. The compulsion to resume cocaine is very strong.<br />

Moreover, cocaine addiction can lead to a severe psychosis while the user is still on<br />

the drug. This is in contradistinction to the opiate withdrawal syndrome and to the delirium<br />

tremens of alcoholism or barbiturate addiction, which set in hours or days after the drug is<br />

withdrawn.” (Edward M. Brecher med flere, The Consumers Union Report - Licit and Illicit<br />

Drugs, kapittel 4.(fotnote))<br />

Som vi ser er kokainavhengighet et reelt fenomen. En uheldig vane kan oppstå og<br />

være vanskelig å kvitte seg med. Men hvor vanlig er egentlig kokainmisbruk? Jacob Sullum<br />

forteller: ”Of the 28 million or so Americans who have used cocaine, only about 1.7 million,<br />

or 6 percent, have used it in the last month. For crack, said to be more addictive than<br />

cocaine powder, the percentage is about the same. And past month use is not necessarily a<br />

sign of a serious drug habit (unless everyone who dringks a beer now and then is an<br />

alcoholic). In a 1993 survey of young adults, only 7 percent of past-month cocaine users<br />

were taking the drug every day. The picture is similar for users of prescription-type<br />

stimulants generally and metaamphetamine in particular: Only a small percentage have used<br />

them in the last month, and only a small percentage of past-month users take them every<br />

day. (…) *E+ven over the long term, problem users are far from typical. A 1994 stydy, based<br />

on a nationally representative sample, estimated that 17 percent of cocaine users and 11<br />

percent of other stimulant users had ever experienced ‘drug dependence.’” (Jacob Sullum,<br />

Saying Yes; In Defence of Drug Use (Tarcher/Penguin Books 2004) s 215-16.)<br />

Vi ser her Sullum anslå at rundt 17 prosent av alle som bruker kokain, på et eller<br />

annet tidspunkt vil utvikle en vanebruk som er omfattende nok til å defineres som<br />

”avhengighet.” Dette er det samme tallet som rusforskerne Anthony, Warner og Kessler kom<br />

frem til i 1994, og som Reuter og MacCoun legger til grunn for sine vurderinger i Drugwar<br />

Heresies (s 18).<br />

Jeg skal derfor ikke her påstå at kokainavhengighet ikke utgjør et problem for mange<br />

brukere. Men vi må i denne sammenheng også være klar over at mange av de som defineres<br />

som avhengige (fordi de bruker et rusmiddel relativt ofte), ikke nødvendigvis selv ser på<br />

bruken som en belastning.<br />

De aller fleste kokainbrukerne har derfor et rimelig avbalansert forhold til rusmidlet,<br />

hvilket Sullum sier mer om her: ”Contrary to the widespread impression that occasional<br />


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