Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Levine har skrevet flere bøker om opplevelsene sine fra tiden i DEA, og var allerede<br />

kjent med CIAs involvering i narkotikahandlen. I boka hans Deep Cover, forteller han dette<br />

om en opplevelse man kan sette i sammenheng med Kirkconnells beretning:<br />

”The Chang Mai factory the CIA prevented me from destroying was the source of massive<br />

amounts of heroin being smuggled into the US in the bodies and body bags of GIs killed in<br />

Vietnam. My unit, the Hard Narcotics Smuggling Squad, was charged with investigating all<br />

heroin and cocaine smuggling through the Port of New York. My unit became involved in<br />

investigating every major smuggling operation known to law enforcement. We could not<br />

avoid witnessing the CIA protecting major drug dealers. Not a single important source in<br />

Southeast Asia was ever indicted by US law enforcement. This was no accident. Case after<br />

case was killed by CIA and State Department intervention and there wasn’t a damned thing<br />

we could do about it. CIA-owned airlines like Air America were being used to ferry drugs<br />

throughout Southeast Asia, allegedly to support our ‘allies’. CIA banking operations were<br />

used to launder drug money.” Michael Levine, Deep Cover, 1990, s 165-66. (visstnok) Funnet<br />

på nettet.<br />

341 En interessant fotnote her, er at Anna Chennault (kona til Claire Chennault) hjalp Nixon å<br />

forlenge Vietnamkrigen, samt og vinne det amerikanske presidentvalget. Hun gjorde det ved<br />

å overtale Sør Vietnams President Thieu til å gå imot President Johnsons annonserte<br />

fredsforhandlinger rett før valget i 1968. Dette forlenget Air Americas kontrakter i regionen,<br />

og forlenget også Kuomintangsoldatenes profittmuligheter i heroinhandlen. For mer om<br />

dette se Anthony Summers, The Arrogance of Power; the secret world of Richard Nixon<br />

(Phoenix Press 2003) s 298-306,322).<br />

342 Peter Dale Scott & Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics; Drugs, Armies and the CIA in<br />

Central America (University of California Press, 1998), s xvii<br />

343 Alfred W McCoy, The Politics of Heroin; CIA complicity in the global drug trade (Lawrence<br />

Hill Books 1991), s 281<br />

344 Den amerikanske ambassadøren til Laos, G. McMurtrie Godley, brukte blant annet (i et<br />

brev fra desember 1970) FBNs fiktive statistikker som unnskyldning for å marginalisere<br />

oppmerksomheten rundt den storstilte opiumsprodiksjonen i landet, som CIAs leiesoldater<br />

kontrollerte. Han var også imot at BNDD (FBNs etterfølger) etablerte seg i Laos. Alfred W<br />

McCoy, The Politics of Heroin; CIA complicity in the global drug trade (Lawrence Hill Books<br />

1991), s 304, 381.<br />

345 Alfred W McCoy, The Politics of Heroin; CIA complicity in the global drug trade (Lawrence<br />

Hill Books 1991), s 162.<br />

346 Douglas Valentine, The Strength of the Wolf (Verso 2004), s 432<br />


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