Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Forbudstilhengernes motstand mot fornyelsen<br />

Forbudstilhengerne vil så klart si at de har sitt på det tørre oppi dette: De vil si<br />

at de hele tiden har støttet seg på forskningsbildet som har vært tilgjengelig, og<br />

at de selv har gjort så godt de kan for å bidra til å klarlegge problemstillingen.<br />

Men som vi har vært inne på, har forskningsbildet vært forvridd i<br />

forbudstilhengernes favør, og som vi har sett har de så langt som mulig avstått<br />

fra debatten på grunn av ”signaleffekten”. Det har derfor bare vært<br />

forbudstilhengernes overlagte ignoranse, de enorme budsjettene deres, samt<br />

folks overdrevne tillit til sine autoriteter, som har muliggjort det ensidige<br />

fokuset på problembildet frem til i dag. Dommer Gray forteller her hvordan<br />

forbudsforkjemperne har styrt unna enhver informert debatt:<br />

”Talk to someone who has attempted to organize a public discussion, as opposed to a<br />

speech about our drug policy, and you will find that public officials favoring the<br />

continuation of our drug policies will almost never attend. This has happened to me on<br />

many occasions. For example, at the meeting of the World Affairs Council in Orange<br />

County, General McCaffrey was invited to participate in a debate on drug policy. He<br />

responded that he did not have time to be involved in a debate — but he did have time<br />

to give a speech. The same thing happened when Dr. Lee Brown, the Drug Czar under<br />

President Bush, spoke at a drug policy forum at the Harward Law School. Without<br />

taking any questions, he left the hall and went downstairs to talk to the press. Since I<br />

was scheduled to speak directly after Dr. Brown, I offered half of my time to him if he<br />

would only stay and answer questions from the audience present. He refused.” 146<br />

James Ostrowski, viseforman i New York County Lawyers Association<br />

Committee on Law Reform, påpeker forbudstilhengernes manglende evne<br />

(eller vilje) til å forsvare sitt ståsted slik:<br />

“In 1988, I wrote to Vice President George Bush, then head of the South Florida Drug<br />

Task Force; to Education Secretary William Bennett; to Assistant Secretary of State for<br />

Drug Policy Ann Wrobleski; to White House drug policy adviser Dr. Donald I. McDonald;<br />

and to the public information directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Drug<br />

Enforcement Administration, General Accounting Office, National Institute of Justice,<br />

and National Institute on Drug Abuse. None of these officials was able to cite any study<br />

that demonstrated the beneficial effects of drug prohibition when weighed against its<br />

costs. The leaders of the war on drugs are apparently unable to defend on rational<br />


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