Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Anslinger: “That is demonstrated by these seven boys, who said they did not know<br />

what they were doing after they smoked marihuana. They conceived the series of<br />

crimes in while in a state of marihuana intoxication.”<br />

Senator Davis: “How many cigarettes would you have to smoke before you got this<br />

vicious mental attitude toward your neighbor?”<br />

Anslinger: “I believe in some cases one cigarette might develop a homicidal mania,<br />

probably to kill his brother. It depends on the physical characteristics of the individual.<br />

Every individual reacts differently to the drug. It stimulates some and others it<br />

depresses. It is impossible to say just what the action of the drug will be on a given<br />

individual, or the amount. Probably some people could smoke five before it would take<br />

effect, but all the experts agree that the continued use leads to insanity.” 292<br />

Den politiske prosessen som ledet frem til forbudet var som vi ser<br />

korrumpert i forbudstilhengernes favør (mer om det) 293 : Anslingers ord var alt<br />

de trengte for å vedta loven, og leger og andre kompetente fagpersoner på<br />

området kom ikke til i debatten. Som det står i The Consumers Union Report:<br />

“No medical testimony in favor of the proposed federal anti-marijuana law was<br />

presented at the 1937 Congressional hearings. Indeed, the only physician to testify was<br />

a representative of the American Medical Association — and he opposed the bill.<br />

Marijuana, he pointed out, was a recognized medicine in good standing, distributed by<br />

leading pharmaceutical firms, and on sale at many pharmacies. At least twenty-eight<br />

medicinal products containing marijuana were on the market in 1937.” 294<br />

American Medical Associations (AMA) representant under disse<br />

høringene var Dr. William Woodward, som var lege og advokat. Han så loven<br />

som lite formålstjenelig, og som han sa under høringene: “Since the medical<br />

use of cannabis has not caused and is not causing addiction, the prevention of<br />

the use of the drug for medical purposes can accomplish no good end<br />

whatsoever. How far it may serve to deprive the public of the benefits of a drug<br />

that on further research may prove to be of substantial value, it is impossible to<br />

foresee.” 295 Han forklarte kongressrepresentantene at det ikke fantes noen<br />

pålitelig dokumentasjon som tilsa at bruken av marijuana var økt de senere år,<br />

eller at det i det hele tatt var et viktig samfunnsproblem å ta tak i 296 .<br />

Kongress-representantene var imidlertid ikke interesserte i<br />

motforestillinger. Professor Charles Whitebread, som har studert lovprosessen<br />

inngående, forteller:<br />


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