Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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heller ingen andre staters; For å forstå internasjonale relasjoner og<br />

maktpolitikk må vi derfor se på de uoffisielle aktørene — de som gjemmer seg<br />

bak fasaden — og bare slik vil den reelle maktbalansen enkeltstatene og<br />

aktørene imellom avsløres.<br />

For etterretningstjenestenes del er dette selvinnlysende for de som vet<br />

noe om dem. Utad fremstår de som instanser opprettet for å ivareta nasjonens<br />

interesser, mens de seg imellom samarbeider i langt større grad enn den<br />

enkelte borger forledes til å tro. James Casbolt beskriver sammenblandingen av<br />

overlappende interesser slik:<br />

“As intelligence insiders know MI5 and MI6 control many of the other intelligence<br />

agencies in the world (CIA, MOSSAD etc) in a vast web of intrigue and corruption that<br />

has its global power base in the City of London, the square mile…<br />

I worked for MI6 in ‘black ops’ cocaine trafficking with the IRA and MOSSAD in<br />

London and Brighton between 1995 and 1999.My father Peter Casbolt was also MI6<br />

and worked with the CIA and mafia in Rome, trafficking cocaine into Britain.<br />

My experience was that the distinctions of these groups became blurred until in<br />

the end we were all one international group working together for the same goals. We<br />

were puppets who had our strings pulled by global puppet masters based in the city of<br />

London. Most levels of the intelligence agencies are not loyal to the people of the<br />

country they are based in and see themselves as ‘super national’. (…)The CIA operates<br />

under orders from British intelligence and was created by British intelligence in 1947.<br />

The CIA today is still loyal to the international bankers based in the city of London and<br />

the global elite aristocratic families like Rothschild’s and the Windsor’s.” 314<br />

Dette overnasjonale samarbeidet forteller John Stockwell, en CIA offiser i<br />

13 år, mer om: “If a CIA case officer has a flat tire in the dark of night on a<br />

lonely road, he will not hesitate to accept a ride from a KGB officer — likely the<br />

two would detour to some bar for a drink together. In fact CIA and KGB officers<br />

entertain eachother frequently in their homes. The CIAs files are full of mention<br />

of such relationships.” 315<br />

Samtidig er det også, innenfor samtlige av de hemmelige tjenestene, en<br />

rekke personer som motarbeider de kontrollorienterte kreftene, og som har<br />

mer positive ambisjoner på menneskehetens vegne enn en global<br />

samfunnsorden etablert på krigsprofitørenes og dominansinteressenes<br />

premisser. Det er derfor vanskelig å skille den ene etterretningstjenestens<br />


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