Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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2003, while its wholesale cost dropped by 84 percent over the same period. The purity<br />

of street-level heroin nearly tripled, while its wholesale cost has dropped by more than<br />

86 percent. The homicide rate skyrocketed through the 1970s and 1980s,<br />

corresponding with increasing expenditures on enforcing prohibition.” 137<br />

Dommer John Curtin beskriver strategiens ubehjelpelighet slik:<br />

”In spite of the expenditure of billions of dollars, we have failed to reduce<br />

consumption, to reduce violent crime, to cut importation, and to lessen the huge<br />

profits gained by organized criminals. We have repeated the mistakes of Prohibition<br />

with far more serious consequences. Criminal sanction has made for increased drug<br />

use rather than opposite.” 138<br />

Og dommer James Gray oppsummerer utviklingen:<br />

“The War on Drugs has resulted in the loss of more civil liberties protections than has<br />

any other phenomenon in our history. Instead of being shielded, our children are being<br />

recruited into a lifestyle of of drug selling and drug usage by the current system. And<br />

revolutionaries and insurgents abroad are using money procured from the illegal sale<br />

of drugs to undermine legitimate governments all over the world. We could not have<br />

achieved worse results if we had tried.” 139<br />

Disse tjenestemennene er langt fra alene i sin kritikk. Gray forteller<br />

videre:<br />

“Our current Drug Prohibition policy is centered around the criminal justice system, in<br />

which we judges are required to play a significant role. There may be a few judges in<br />

this country who believe that our current drug policy is working, but they are surely a<br />

small minority. (…) I have had many private conversations on this subject with other<br />

judges, who know that the war on drugs have failed (…). But just like many politicians<br />

and law enforcement officers, judges are also concerned about undermining their<br />

effectiveness or exposing themselves to an electoral challenge by addressing this issue<br />

publicly.” 140<br />

Føderale myndigheter anslo i 1993 at rundt 50 av 680 veteran-dommere<br />

(senior Judges) nektet å høre narkotikasaker, — et tall som sier noe om hvilke<br />

samvittighetskvaler som er forbundet med håndhevelsen av lovene. Vanlige<br />

dommere har ikke muligheten til å nekte, og får sparken om de forsøker seg på<br />


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