Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Dette fører til en mentalitet hvor målet-helliger-middelet ideologien<br />

lever i beste velgående. Og i den grad den brer om seg i samfunnet, slår den<br />

alltid tilbake på samfunnet selv. Max Hartstein:<br />

“The thought process that creates this massive social distortion in our minds and in<br />

society, the War on Drugs, acts exactly like a narcotic. The more we pursue it, the<br />

worse our problems become. The more we use prohibition the more we think we need<br />

it. As we pour more and more public funds into the war on drugs, the less we have for<br />

worthwhile social programs: low income housing, public schools, activity centers for<br />

youth and elders, clinics and counseling programs for drug users, jobs for the innercities<br />

and for the infrastructure on which our society runs. By these prohibitions, we<br />

are continually reinforcing the conditions that are creating crime. Instead of alleviating<br />

these conditions the War on Drugs makes them worse.” 214<br />

Hvordan en legalisering vil påvirke brukerbildet<br />

“Combined with treatment, education and other public-health programs for drug<br />

abusers, regulated legalization would make your city or town an infinitely healthier<br />

place to live and raise a family. It would make being a cop a much safer occupation,<br />

and it would lead to greater police accountability and improved morale and job<br />

satisfaction.”<br />

Norm Stamper, en politimann i 34 år. 215<br />

For forbudstilhengerne har økt tilgjengelighet av de illegale stoffene (blandet<br />

med mindre straff for bruk) hele tiden vært deres store frykt. Men til tross for<br />

det er trendene entydige, og viser at jo lengre vekk vi beveger oss fra<br />

ruspolitisk nulltoleranse overfor de illegale stoffene, desto bedre kommer<br />

brukerne og samfunnet ut av det. Det er mange gode grunner for det, og jeg<br />

har vært innom de fleste allerede. Men som sagt er den mest opplagte<br />

begrunnelsen at rusbruken i samfunnet følger helt andre variabler enn de<br />

strafferettslige faktorer. Rapporten On the Consequences of toughness av<br />

rusforskeren Peter H. Reuter sier mer om forbudslinjens utilstrekkelighet i<br />

forhold til problemene den tar sikte på å bekjempe:<br />

”*M+any, though not all, of the adverse consequences of drug use are a function of the<br />

policies used to restrain that behaviour. The evidence suggests that (1) general user<br />


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