Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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hvitvaskningen foregår i tilknytning til vestlige banker, og at for hver dollar som<br />

tjenes på narkotikamarkedet i USA, går to-tredeler til disse bankene 506 .<br />

Dette er penger våre banker er så og si avhengige av å få fatt i, for de kan<br />

i dagens verden vanskelig overleve uten. Våre største banker er intet unntak,<br />

og James Casbolt forteller her om hvordan det foregår i England:<br />

“In Britain, the MI6 drug money is laundered through the Bank of England, Barclays<br />

Bank and other household name companies. The drug money is passed from account<br />

to account until its origins are lost in a huge web of transactions. The drug money<br />

comes out ‘cleaner’ but not totally clean. Diamonds are then bought with this money<br />

from the corrupt diamond business families like the Oppenheimers. These diamonds<br />

are then sold and the drug money is clean.“ 507<br />

Det samme er situasjonen i USA, hvor Citibank (om Citibank) 508 , Chase,<br />

og Bank of America ikke mindre skyldige 509 .<br />

De største hvitvaskerne er allikevel de største bankene, hvilket vil si<br />

sentralbankene. Dette faktum er ett som som etterforskeren Robert Mazur<br />

også ble klar over da Akbar Bilgrami, BCCIs Miami-representant med ansvar for<br />

Latin Amerika, fortalte han følgende:<br />

”The Federal Reserve Bank *is the biggest money launderer in the U.S.]. They are such<br />

hypocrites! They know that the Bank of the Republic in Bogotá has a teller window<br />

known as ‘the sinister window.’ Under Colombian rule, any citizen who has huge piles<br />

of cash can come to that window and anonymously exchange their U.S. dollars for<br />

Colombian pesos —no questions asked. This causes the central bank to accumulate<br />

palletloads of U.S. dollars that are shipped to the Federal Reseve and credited to the<br />

account of the Bank of the Republic — again no questions asked.<br />

The people at the Federal Reserve aren’t idiots. They see this river of hundreds of<br />

millions in U.S. dollars being shipped to them from Colombia. They know what<br />

generates that cash. That’s drug money that has been smuggled from the U.S. and<br />

Europe to Colombia. The Federal Reserve takes that because it’s good economics for<br />

this country’s banking system. The Americans so-called War on Drugs is a sham.” 510<br />

Mazur fant senere ut at det stemte, og Al Martin nevner i boken sin<br />

dette, som passer godt med hva Bilgrami fortalte Mazur:<br />


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