Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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322 Ibid.<br />

323 Al Martin bekrefter dette i boken sin. I forbindelse med CIAs storstilte kokainsmugling på<br />

1980-tallet forteller han at organisasjonens ansvarsfordeling på området, på denne tiden<br />

begynte med Clair George (Deputy Director), fulgt av hans underordnede, Alan Fiers. Fiers<br />

underordnede var igjen Dewey Clarridge, og under han var igjen CIAs forskjellige<br />

stasjonssjefer i utlandet. For Iran-Contra affærens del var for eksempel Joseph Fernandez,<br />

stasjonssjefen i Costa Rica, et sentralt tannhjul i maskineriet. Al Martin, The Conspirators:<br />

Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, (2002 National Liberty Press), s 162.<br />

324<br />

Da OPC ble lagt ned i 1952, og inkorporert i CIAs Office of Special Operations, var det fordi<br />

operasjonene deres, i den grad de var kjent, ble sterkt mislikt av den amerikanske<br />

statsmakten. Men Wisner ledet også denne, og professor Alfred McCoy forteller videre at<br />

”Instead of eliminating OPC’s style of covert action, the merger, in the words of a U.S.<br />

congressional review, ‘resulted in the maximum development of covert action over<br />

clandestine collection.’” Alfred W McCoy, The Politics of Heroin; CIA complicity in the global<br />

drug trade (Lawrence Hill Books 1991), s 178<br />

Mer om OPC: Ibid s 166-67.<br />

325 William Blum, en tidligere ansatt i U.S. State Department, beskriver CIAs<br />

narkotikavirksomhet i det gyldne triangel slik: ”The operation was not a paragon of<br />

discretion. Heroin was refined in a laboratory located on the site of CIA headquarters in<br />

northern Laos. After a decade of American military intervention, Southeast Asia had become<br />

the source of 70 percent of the world’s illicit opium and the major supplier of raw materials<br />

for Americas booming heroin market.” William Blum, Killing Hope; US Military & CIA<br />

Interventions since World War 2 (Zed Books 2003) s 142.<br />

326 Douglas Valentine, The Strength of the Wolf (Verso 2004), s 3.<br />

327 George White skrev dette om sin tid i tjenesten i et brev til sin venn Sidney Gottlieb,<br />

mannen som ledet CIAs MKULTRA (mind-control) eksperimenter. Ibid s 141.<br />

328 Ibid s 60.<br />

Alfred W McCoy forteller dette om korrupsjonen i BNDDs avdeling i New York:“In New York<br />

during the 1960s, the regional office of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs<br />

achieved a (…) symbiosis with a Mafia drug syndicate, accepting regular bribes to arrest only<br />

those dealers nominated by the syndicate. The system gave federal agents an impressive<br />

record of arrests and allowed them rapid promotions while simultaneously eliminating any<br />

competition for the mafia.” Alfred W McCoy, The Politics of Heroin; CIA complicity in the<br />

global drug trade (Lawrence Hill Books 1991), s 15.<br />


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