Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Dette er marginalt i forhold til dødsraten forbundet med bruk av alkohol og tobakk,<br />

og vi må huske å ta med i regnestykket at en viss prosent av dødsfallene nevnt her er et<br />

resultat av forbudet. James Ostrowski skriver: ”The medical literature affords abundant<br />

evidence that a large number of cocaine-related deaths are traceable to the side effects of<br />

drug prohibition: On the street, [cocaine's] purity is highly variable (up to 95 percent) and<br />

reflects 'cutting' with various sugars, local anesthetics, caffeine, amphetamines, heroin,<br />

phencyclidine, and quinidine. . . . Most of these [77 cocaine] fatalities were due to<br />

nonspecific pulmonary edema believed secondary to either an anaphylactic reaction to<br />

impurities or rapid absorption of the drug. . . . Either cocaine or one of its contaminants<br />

could contribute to [coronary thrombosis]. No cases were encountered where sudden death<br />

occurred following the medical administration of cocaine. Hence, cocaine, in this<br />

presentation, actually refers to the illicit street drug of variable purity and usually diluted<br />

('cut') with mannitol. The preparation may also contain other additives such as procaine,<br />

lidocaine, or amphetamine. The purity of cocaine purchased on the street may vary from<br />

25% to 90%, with unpredictable effects.[T]he relative purity of street cocaine has increased<br />

from about 10% to nearly 35% over the time when these cases [cocaine deaths] were<br />

identified. As with heroin, it appears that adulterants and uncertain potencies play a major<br />

role in cocaine-related deaths, a thesis that is strongly suggested by the sporadic outbreak of<br />

"epidemics" of cocaine-related deaths, such as a 1985 epidemic in Utah.” (James Ostrowski<br />

Thinking about Drug Legalization Policy analysis nr 121 Cato institute. Funnet på<br />

http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=981.)<br />

Mange av dagens narkotikadødsfall er derfor snarere en konsekvens av forbudet, enn av de<br />

illegale rusmidlenes iboende kvaliteter. Så hva innebærer det egentlig å være<br />

kokainavhengig, og hva er de reelle farene forbundet med det? Andew Weil forteller: “In<br />

their enthusiasm to fight cocaine (…) crusaders often exaggerate (…) its dangers, at least its<br />

physical toxicity. Both powder and crack cocaine can increase the workload of the heart and<br />

cause irregular heartbeats, but death from cocaine is rare, and the body has a great capacity<br />

to metabolize and eliminate the drug from its system. (…) Occasional snorting of powder<br />

cocaine in social situations is probably not harmful for most people, but everyone should be<br />

aware that the possibility of using this drug to exess is very real, and that excessive cocaine<br />

use can wreck a person’s life. (…) Actually, what drug education should emphazise are the<br />

psychological and social dangers of cocaine.” (Andrew Weil & Winifred Rosen, From<br />

Chocolate to Morphine; Everything You Need to Know About Mind-Altering Drugs (Houghton<br />

Mifflin 2004), s 52.)<br />

Med ”psykologiske og sosiale farer” mener Weil først og fremst avhengighetspotensialet<br />

(han sammenligner å røyke crack som omtrent like avhengighetsskapende som å<br />

røyke sigaretter), og på det faktum at kokainavhengighet har en tendens til å prege<br />

brukerens sosiale og økonomiske liv uheldig. Som han sier videre: ”Cocaine addiction almost<br />

always interferes with social and economic functioning, since addicts often alienate their<br />


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