Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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users although until quite recent times, there was virtually no illicit drug problem. Traditional<br />

and ritual use of drugs was associated with very few problems.” (Australian Drug Law<br />

Reform Foundation Drug Lore – The questioning of our current drug law, 1996 Kapittel 4, del<br />

47)<br />

Denne rapporten konkluderer med følgende: “The Inquiry reached the following conclusions<br />

with respect to India:<br />

1. Pressure by the United States on India in the 1970's lead to the adoption of prohibitionist<br />

policies which have maximised the harm created by drug use in India. Prior to this India had<br />

virtually no drug problem Many cannabis smokers have now begun to inject heroin.<br />

2. India now has a sizeable problem with heroin injection.<br />

3. Since prohibition, heroin has become much more readily available, even though the laws<br />

are extremely punitive.<br />

4. Huge amounts of heroin are shipped through India as corruption is endemic.<br />

5. Fifty to seventy per cent of the injecting population in Manipur are HIV positive.”<br />

(Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation Drug Lore – The questioning of our current drug<br />

law, 1996 Kapittel 4, del 55.)<br />

Jeg har også hørt flere heroinister si at de mest sannsynlig ikke ville begynt med opiater om<br />

man skilte mellom svakere og sterkere stoffer slik man gjør i Nederland, og det er derfor mye<br />

som tyder på at man, som Dr David Smith, i stedet kan si at: ”Det er ikke som regjeringen<br />

forteller oss slik at bruk av cannabis fører til farligere stoffer; faktum er at mangel på<br />

cannabis fører til farligere stoffer”. (Dan Baum, Smoke And Mirrors; the War on Drugs and<br />

the Politics of Failure (Back Bay Books/Little Brown and Company) s 24.) Dette er en langt<br />

mer oppegående tolkning av Gateway teorien. Og den stemmer langt bedre med de<br />

observerte fakta, enn våre regjeringers tvangsmessige tolkning av den.<br />

76 Canadian Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs, 37 th Parliament, 1 st Session<br />

(January 29, 2001 - September 16, 2002)<br />

77 Dan Russell, Drug War; Covert Money, Power and Policy (Kalyx 2000), s 585-87<br />

78 Patrick Matthews, Cannabis Culture (Bloomsbury Publishing 1999) s 67.<br />

79 Doris Marie Provine, Unequal Under Law; Race in the War on Drugs (the University of<br />

Chicago Press 2007), s 93.<br />

80 Frem til 1977 var nemlig en stadig økende del av den voksne befolkningen for legalisering<br />

av cannabis (28 prosent), men denne prosenten fortsatte å synke gjennom 1980-tallet.<br />

Patrick Matthews, Cannabis Culture; A Journey Through Disputed Territory (Bloomsbury<br />

Publishing 1999) s 187.<br />


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