Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Som Scott og Marshall sier: ”*I+n a number of specific and serious drug charges, which<br />

in 1986 seemed hardly credible, Terrell has been corroborated beyond question. Indeed the<br />

credibility now called into question on the drug issues is that of the U.S. judicial system and<br />

indeed the U.S. political process” (Peter Dale Scott & Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics;<br />

Drugs, Armies and the CIA in Central America (University of California Press, 1998), s 126).<br />

Sentale brikker i tildekkingen av dette, var blant annet justisminister Edwin Meese og hans<br />

assistant Lowell Jensen.<br />

North selv, definerte Terrell som en terroristtrussel, for å kunne lage problemer for<br />

han og så tvil om hans troverdighet. For mer om Jack Terrell og Iran Contra tilsløringen, se s.<br />

125-164 i samme bok.<br />

IRS agenten Bill Duncan etterforsket pengesporet i Arkansas, og dette førte han til en rekke<br />

korrupte offentlige tjenestemenn takket være Barry Seal, som betalte dem under bordet<br />

med sorte penger. Dette gjorde det mulig for Duncan å finne frem til dem, og han fulgte selv<br />

dette sporet helt frem til Meese. IRS nektet han å vitne i retten om dette, og det var også<br />

noe av grunnen til at han sluttet i jobben sin. Men det bekreftes av Terry Reed her: Terry<br />

Reed & John Cummings, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA (SPI Books/Shapolsky<br />

Publishers 1994), s 240.<br />

For mer om Meese og Fitzhugh, se også Terry Reed & John Cummings, Compromised:<br />

Clinton, Bush and the CIA (SPI Books/Shapolsky Publishers 1994), s 230.<br />

Rodney Stich har også mye å si om korrupsjonen i Justisdepartementet, og andre<br />

steder (for mer om det, se: Rodney stich, Defrauding America (Diablo Western Press 1998), s<br />

13-90).<br />

En liten forsmak i denne forbindelse, er følgende sitat:<br />

“*Attorney General Richard+ Thornburgh (…) blocked the appointment of a Special<br />

Prosecutor into Inslaw, October Surprise, and eventually BCCI and BNL. U.S. Attorney<br />

Generals Edwin Meese, Richard Thornburgh, and William Barr knew about each of the<br />

criminal activities described within these pages, and either aided and abetted them directly,<br />

or indirectly, by blocking investigation and prosecution. “Rodney stich, Defrauding America<br />

(Diablo Western Press 1998), s 93<br />

476 Al Martin, The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider, (2002 National Liberty<br />

Press), s 231<br />

477 Al Martin forklarer dette antallet døde bedre her:<br />

“Of the 1,300 witnesses, subpoenaed, deposed, interrogated before these committees, 413<br />

have since died under clouded circumstances” (Al Martin, The Conspirators: Secrets of an<br />

Iran-Contra Insider, (2002 National Liberty Press), s 8).<br />

Og videre: “*I+f you see the subpoenas issued (or subpoenas that were intended to be<br />

issued) by the Kerry Committee, the Hughes Commission, the Alexander Commission and so<br />


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