Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Pakistan banned opium cultivation in February 1979 and Iran followed suit in April, the<br />

absence of legal controls in the Pashtun areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan ‘attracted<br />

Western drug cartels and ‘scientists’ (including ‘some fortune-seekers from Europe and<br />

the US’) to establish heroin processing facilities in the tribal belt.’ All this new attention<br />

from ‘the international drug syndicates’ apparently came before either the CIA active<br />

intervention in Afghanistan in August 1979 or the Soviet invasion in December.” 365<br />

For selv om Sovjet trakk seg ut av landet i februar 1989, fortsatte<br />

Afganistan rollen som storprodusent. Krigens effekt var alt i alt den, at den<br />

styrket ISIs maktposisjon i regionen betraktelig, samtidig som den gjorde<br />

maktgrupperingene i land som Afghanistan og Pakistan avhengig<br />

narkotikaøkonomien. Dette beredet grunnen for en korrumpering av<br />

samfunnstoffet som har økt i omfang frem til i dag. Alfred McCoy beskriver<br />

situasjonen for Pakistans del: ”After ten years of unchecked growth under<br />

General Zia, the country’s drug trade was now too well entrenched in the<br />

country’s politics and economy for simple police action. Conservative<br />

economists estimated that total annual earnings from Pakistan’s heroin trade<br />

were $8-10 billion, far larger than Pakistan’s government budget and equal to<br />

one-quarter of its entire gross domestic product.” 366<br />

For Afghanistans del var narkotikaøkonomiens betydning langt større. Og<br />

den befestet sin sentrale posisjon enda mer da amerikanernes økonomiske<br />

støtte til landet forsvant i 1989 med sovjeternes tilbaketog. McCoy forteller<br />

videre:<br />

”The Soviet withdrawal in February 1989 and a slackening in CIA support produced a<br />

scramble among rival mujaheddin commanders for Afghanistan’s prime opium land,<br />

particularly in the fertile Helmand valley of southern Afghanistan. During most of the<br />

war, the local commander Mullah Nasim Akhundzada had controlled the best-irrigated<br />

lands in the northern Helmand valley, once the breadbasket of Afghanistan, and<br />

decreed that half of all peasant holdings would be planted to opium. A ruthless leader<br />

and Hekmatyar’s bitter enemy, Mullah Nasim issued opium quotas to every<br />

landovwner and maintained his control by killing or castrating those who defied his<br />

directives. Known as the ‘King of Heroin,’ he controlled most of the 250 tons of opium<br />

grown in Helmand province.” 367<br />

Nasim ble imidlertid drept i april 1990 av soldater lojale til Hekmatyar,<br />

som med det styrket inflytelsen sin i provinsen. Og i 1994 overtok Afghanistan<br />

rollen som verdens ledende heroinprodusent.<br />


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