Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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Failed And What We Can Do About It; A Judical Indictment of the War on Drugs, (Temple<br />

University Press 2001) s 114.<br />

566 Erik Møse, Menneskerettigheter s 256.<br />

567 Jeg gjør oppmerksom på at dette ikke er noen uttømmende tolkning. Det finnes også<br />

flere bestemmelser som er aktuelle, og jeg går bare gjennom de viktigste her. Se for<br />

eksempel The Report Cannabis; the facts, human rights and the law, av Kenn og Joanna<br />

D´oudney, om du vil ha en videre forståelse av emnet.<br />

568 Vi har sett at en helsepolitisk tilnærmelse vil redde mange liv, og påføre samfunnsstoffet<br />

langt mindre skade, og vi har sett at det intellektuelle alibiet som narkotikalovgivningen<br />

bygger på (at rusavhengighet fører til kriminalitet), mangler vitenskapelig belegg. Vi har også<br />

sett hvordan det narkotikafrie samfunnsidealet er et urealistisk ideale som sørger for en<br />

urasjonell politikk, og ved ikke å ta konsekvensene av dette, påfører de befolkningen<br />

urimelig og ulovlig skade.<br />

569 Denne rapporten the Beckely Foundation, kalt Recalibrating the regime: The Need for a<br />

Human Rights-Based Approach to International Drug Polic (Beckley Foundation Report 13.<br />

mars 2008), sier mer om kriminaliseringens konsekvenser for brukerne, samt<br />

narkotikalovgivningens forklaringsproblem overfor retten til liv og helse:<br />

“a growing body of research casts doubt on the link between harsh enforcement of drug<br />

laws, and reduced levels of drug use or problems, it is getting harder for states to justify such<br />

penalties in terms of their necessity to achieve wider social objectives. The question must be<br />

asked – if a measure fails to achieve its ‘legitimate aim’ can it ever be considered ‘necessary’<br />

to achieve that aim?” (Recalibrating the regime: The Need for a Human Rights-Based<br />

Approach to International Drug Policy, Beckley Foundation Report 13. mars 2008.)<br />

”Historically, policies aimed at prohibiting and punishing the use of certain drugs have driven<br />

the international approach to drug control and dominate the approach of most countries,<br />

guided as they are by the three UN drug control conventions and the dominant policy<br />

directions emanating from the associated international bodies. Such an approach is usually<br />

defended with moralistic portrayals that demonise and dehumanise people who use drugs<br />

as representing a ‘social evil’ menacing the health and values of the public and state.<br />

Portrayed as less than human, people who use drugs are often excluded from the sphere of<br />

human rights concern.<br />

These policies, and the accompanying enforcement practices, entrench and<br />

exacerbate systemic discrimination against people who use drugs and result in widespread,<br />

varied and serious human rights violations. As a result, in high-income and low-income<br />

countries across all regions of the world, people who use illegal drugs are often among the<br />


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