Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..

Roar Mikalsen - HUMAN RISING - radiofri..


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that nobody wants revealed. And these people are considered unreliable, so they are<br />

simply done away with.<br />

As we mentioned, more than 400 people out of the 5000 involved [in Iran-Contra]<br />

would be in that category.” 478<br />

Rodney Stich som vi møtte tidligere, var ikke selv involvert i Iran-Contra.<br />

Men også han har vært utsatt for justisdepartementets falske anklager, og blitt<br />

urettmessig straffeforfulgt på grunn av hva han visste. Han har også vært i<br />

kontakt med en rekke andre eks-agenter som har opplevd det samme, og<br />

forteller dette om hvordan de opplevde prosessen:<br />

“Whatever the reason, CIA and Justice Department officials acted in unison with<br />

federal judges, eliminating people who constituted a threat of exposure. The standard<br />

tactic is to charge the targeted individual with a federal offense for some act they were<br />

ordered to perform by their CIA handlers, deny them adequate legal counsel, deny<br />

them the right to have CIA witnesses testify on their behalf, and deny them the right to<br />

present CIA documents. A standard and sham excuse for denying these defenses is<br />

that they are not relevant to the immediate charge, when the matter of who gave the<br />

person his or her orders is absolutely relevant.<br />

From 200 to 300 former CIA operatives or contract agents had been sentenced to<br />

prison by Justice Department prosecutors during the 1980s on charges arising out of<br />

covert activities they were ordered to perform by their CIA bosses.” 479<br />

Det var i det store og hele systemtro dommere som tok slike saker. Al<br />

Martin viser oss i boken sin The Conspirators, hvordan det for eksempel<br />

foregikk ved statsadvokatens kontor (US Attorney’s office) i Miami:<br />

”All politically sensitive, Iran-Contra politically sensitive cases, would be heard by one<br />

of two judges — either the chief federal district judge, Lawrence King, now retired, or<br />

the cases would be held by the newly ensconced Republican judge Fred Merano. In<br />

some cases, when there was an overload, the cases would be bumped up to the<br />

retired judge, Claude Atkins, a solid Republican. The defendants were convicted in<br />

every single Iran-Contra sensitive case heard by these three federal district judges.” 480<br />

Disse rettssakene var med andre ord, akkurat som kongressens og<br />

senatets Iran-Contra høringer, politisk manipulert og satt opp til å feile, slik at<br />

virkelighetsbildet kunne fordreies i statsmaktens favør.<br />

For på samme måte som tiltalte i disse rettsakene aldri hadde noen<br />

mulighet til å nå frem med sannheten, hadde heller ikke de som vitnet for<br />


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