13.12.2012 Aufrufe

DAGA 2010 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik eV

DAGA 2010 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik eV

DAGA 2010 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik eV


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Programm <strong>DAGA</strong> <strong>2010</strong> 141<br />

the use of the simple perceptual coder limited the significance of the data.<br />

Further research on combining the new model with a state-of-the-art<br />

coder is indicated.<br />

Mi. 18:10 Gauß B 554 Räumliche Wahrnehmung<br />

Real-time Rendering of Moving Sound Source in a Room Based on<br />

Principal Components Analysis<br />

D. Rao und Y. Liu<br />

Acoustic Lab., Physics Dept., South China Univ. of Technology<br />

In free-field situation, convoluting sound signal with a pair of headrelated<br />

transfer function can render a sound source virtually. In a room,<br />

however, because there are many image sources generated by reflections<br />

from wall, the situation is more complex, especially when the source<br />

is moving. Rendering such scene requires 2*N (image source numbers)<br />

times of convolution computations so as to bring difficulty in the realtime<br />

implementation. In this paper, a method using principal components<br />

analysis (PCA) is proposed to reduce the rendering computation load. In<br />

this method, HRTFs were expressed as weighted sum of a set of basics<br />

functions which can be derived from PCA. Therefore, the HRTFs of real<br />

source and image sources at different directions share a common set of<br />

basics function. In such way, computation reduced to 2*L(basics function<br />

number) times of convolution computations. We used L=10 basics<br />

function in our implementation, which was much less than the number<br />

of image sources (36 for considering second-order image sources in<br />

rectangular room). Objective analysis and subjective listening test validated<br />

the proposed method. The performance and details of real-time<br />

implementation using VC++ of the proposed method on PC were also<br />

discussed in this paper.<br />

Mi. 8:30 Beuth-Saal Raumakustik - Simulation und Evaluation II<br />

The Relation Between Perception of Room Acoustics and Objective<br />

Parameters as Calculated Using a Binaural, Nonlinear Model<br />

J. van Dorp Schuitman und D. de Vries<br />

Delft University of Technology<br />

At TU Delft a new method was proposed for evaluating parameters related<br />

to room acoustical quality. The method is based on a binaural, nonlinear<br />

auditory model which is capable of predicting perceptual reverberance,<br />

clarity, apparent source width and listener envelopment from<br />

binaural audio recordings. This way the parameters are calculated in a<br />

content-specific way and furthermore there is no need to perform impulse<br />

response measurements. From listening test results it follows that<br />

these parameters correlate satisfactorily with room acoustical perception,<br />

whereas conventional acoustical parameters often do not. In this<br />

paper the method is discussed and the relation between the model outputs<br />

and the results of the listening tests is evaluated.

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