Unified Development Ordinance - Currituck County Government

Unified Development Ordinance - Currituck County Government

Unified Development Ordinance - Currituck County Government


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Chapter 7: Environmental ProtectionSECTION 7.1: OPEN SPACE SET-ASIDESSubsection 7.1.3: Open Space Set-Aside Standardsextent practicable, be located to adjoin, extend, and enlarge the trail, park, orother open area land (see Figure 7.1.3.C, Open Space Location).Figure 7.1.3, Open Space Location(3) Configuration(a)(b)Lands set aside as open space shall be compact and contiguous unlessthe land is used as a continuation of an existing trail, or specific naturalor topographic features require a different configuration.Open space set-asides within the PD-O district shall also comply withthe standards in Section 3.7.5.A.4, Open Space Design.(4) Active Recreation FeaturesOpen space set-asides in multi-family and mixed-use development not subjectto the standards in Section 6.5, Recreation and Park Area Dedication, shallprovide active recreation features that occupy at least 35 percent of the openspace set-aside area.(5) Prioritization of Open Space Set-AsideTo the maximum extent practicable, the open space set-aside should belocated and organized to include, protect, or enhance as many of the followingopen areas and features as possible:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)Environmentally-sensitive lands and natural features such as riparianbuffers, riparian areas, significant sand dunes, lands shoreward of thefirst stable line of vegetation, wildlife corridors, and mature trees(four-inch caliper or greater);Lands that may extend or enhance existing park or open spacefeatures;Water features such as canals, lakes, natural ponds, and retention anddetention ponds configured as amenities;Landscaped buffers or visual transitions between different types orintensities of uses;Habitat for endangered species; andCURRITUCK COUNTY, NC UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE7.4

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