Unified Development Ordinance - Currituck County Government

Unified Development Ordinance - Currituck County Government

Unified Development Ordinance - Currituck County Government


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Chapter 10: Definitions and MeasurementSECTION 10.5: DEFINITIONSRecreation, Indoor(c)(d)designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck; anddesigned primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling, but as temporary livingquarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use.RECREATION, INDOORA private indoor (entirely within an enclosed structure) use providing for sport and recreationactivities that are operated or carried on primarily for financial gain. Examples of indoorcommercial recreation uses include, but are not limited to, fitness centers, bowling alleys,dancehalls, skating rinks, indoor commercial swimming pools, and racquet and tennis clubfacilities (indoor).RECREATION, OUTDOORA private outdoor use providing facilities for sport activities, which is operated or carried onprimarily for financial gain, outdoors. Examples of outdoor commercial recreation usesinclude, but are not limited to, miniature golf facilities, outdoor commercial tourist attractions,and drive-in theatres.RECYCLABLE MATERIALSMaterials which are capable of being recycled and which would otherwise be processed ordisposed of as solid waste. Recyclable materials do not include residential or commercial solidwaste, hazardous or toxic waste.RECYCLING CENTER, PROCESSINGA facility used for the collection and processing of recyclable and recoverable materials.Processing means the preparation of materials for efficient shipment, or to an end-user’sspecifications, by such means as briquetting, compacting, chipping, flattening, grinding, crushing,sorting, shredding, cleaning, and altering. A processing recycling center does not includesalvage of junk yards.RECYCLING CENTER, TRANSFERA facility which recyclable or recoverable materials are collected, sorted, and prepared fortransfer to another facility for processing. A transfer recycling center may not process bybriquetting, compacting, chipping, flattening, grinding, crushing, shredding, cleaning, or alteringthe materials.REDEVELOPMENTAny proposed expansion, addition, reduction, or other alteration to an existing building,structure, or other constructed feature on a lot or site. Redevelopment also includes changesin use to existing buildings, as well as modifications to site features such as parking, signage,landscaping, grading, stormwater management devices, or changes to outdoor storage.REFERENCE LEVELThe top of the lowest floor for structures within the special flood hazard area in the A and AEflood zones, and the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member of the lowest floor ofstructures in the VE flood zone.REGISTERED ENGINEERA person who, by reason of special knowledge and use of the mathematical, physical andengineering sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, hasacquired by engineering education and subsequently licensed as a professional engineer by theBoard established in Chapter 89C of the North Carolina General Statutes.CURRITUCK COUNTY, NC UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE10.75

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