AAS 70 [1978] - El Vaticano

AAS 70 [1978] - El Vaticano

AAS 70 [1978] - El Vaticano


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Maeroris testimonia scriptis data 613<br />

A l'occasion du décès de Sa Sainteté le Pape Paul VI je me permets<br />

de vous exprimer mes sentiments de profond regret. J'ai eu le privi­<br />

lège de rencontrer le Saint Père lors d'un entretien inoubliable et j'ai<br />

pu admirer ses grandes qualités humaines, son souhait de contribuer<br />

à la solution des problèmes du monde et son intérêt sincère à améliorer<br />

les relations entre le judaïsme et l'Eglise catholique. Son image d'émi-<br />

nent leader religieux restera inscrite dans l'histoire de l'humanité.<br />

Avec mes condoléances agréez l'expression de mon profond respect.<br />

Nahum Goldmann<br />

Président fondateur du Congrès Juif Mondial<br />

At this time of sadness for the Catholic community Ave share your<br />

sorrow over the death of Pope Paul VI. He gave to the world an example<br />

of the committed tradition of deep faith and religiosity, social concern<br />

and dialogue that inspire ail at a difficult moment of historical and<br />

social change. Pope Paul will be remembered for his desire to dialo­<br />

gue with the Jewish people in Judaism. He was effective in implement-<br />

ing the conciliar déclaration Nostra Aetate with the création of a Vatican<br />

Commission and the Guidelines that gave new meanings to the Catholic-<br />

Jewish encounter. The Jewish tradition says Zeher Tzadik Livrahah:<br />

that the memory of a righteous person is a blessing. May the memory<br />

of Paul VI's vocation for dialogue bless her future work of interreligious<br />

relationship and the dedication of all persons of good will.<br />

Nat Kameny, Theodore Preedman and Rabbi León Klenicki<br />

Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith<br />

We are saddened by the death of Pope Paul VI. He devoted his<br />

life and ministry to the search for peace, and imbued that search with<br />

spirituality and religious faith. We are particularly mindful of the impetus<br />

he gave to a continuation of the Catholic Church's rapprochement<br />

with Judaism initiated by the late Pope John, and his personal encouragement<br />

and support of the Guidelines for the implementation of<br />

Nostra Aetate N° 4, a document that holds the promise of a new era in<br />

Çatholic-Jewish relations. We express our condolences to the leadership<br />

of the Catholic Church and to its faithful.<br />

Rabbi Saul I. Teplitz, président<br />

Rabbi Henry Sibgman, executive vice-president<br />

Synagogue Council of America

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