09.12.2012 Aufrufe

Mechatronik Modul 2 - ADAM - Leonardo da Vinci Projects and ...

Mechatronik Modul 2 - ADAM - Leonardo da Vinci Projects and ...

Mechatronik Modul 2 - ADAM - Leonardo da Vinci Projects and ...


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36<br />

Minos<br />

Referenzen<br />

Sozialverhalten, Interkulturelle Kompetenz<br />

Bücher und Artikel<br />

Bennett, M. (Ed.) (1998): Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication.<br />

Yarmouth, Maine. Intercultural Press<br />

Ghauri, P. N. ; Usunier, J. C. (Eds.): International Business Negotiations.<br />

Oxford. Redwood Books<br />

Hall, E. T. ; Hall, M. R. (1987). Hidden Differences: Doing Business with<br />

the Japanese. New York. Double<strong>da</strong>y<br />

Hall, E. T ; Hall, M. R., Mildred R. (1990): Underst<strong>and</strong>ing Cultural<br />

Differences. Germans, French <strong>and</strong> Americans. Yarmouth, Maine.<br />

Intercultural Press<br />

Hofstede, G. (1997): Cultures <strong>and</strong> Organizations: Software of the Mind<br />

(2nd ed.). New York. McGraw-Hill<br />

Hofstede, G. (2001): Culture´s Consequences (2nd ed.): Comparing<br />

Values, Behaviors, Institutions <strong>and</strong> Organizations Across Nations.<br />

Thous<strong>and</strong> Oaks. Sage<br />

Kluckhohn, F. ; Strodtbeck, R. (1961): Variations in value orientations.<br />

Evanston. Row Peterson<br />

Lee, James (1966): A Cultural Analysis in Overseas Operations. Harvard<br />

Business Review (March-April). 106-114<br />

Linton, R. (1945): The Cultural Background of Personality. New York<br />

Terpstra, V. ; David, S.K. (1991): The Cultural Environment of International<br />

Business (4th ed.) Southwestern Publishing<br />

Mautner- Markhof, F. (Ed.) (1989): Process of International Negotiations.<br />

Westview Press. Boulder<br />

Peace Corps (n.d.): Culture Matters. Washington. ICE<br />

Internet<br />

http://www.geert-hofstede.com<br />


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