Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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986 *<br />

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lovely groves. Here and there on the river bank dwelt sages and recluses unconcerned<br />

with the world and devoted to spiritual wisdom. All along the bank stood in clusters many<br />

a lovely Tulas∂ plant reared by hermits. The splendour of the city defied all description;<br />

its outskirts too were most picturesque. The very sight of the city with its groves and<br />

gardens, wells and ponds, drove away all oneís sins. (1ó4)<br />

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Cha≈.: båp∂° taRåga anµupa kµupa manoharåyata sohah∂°,<br />

sopåna su≈dara n∂ra nirmala dekhi sura muni mohah∂°.<br />

bahu ra≈ga ka≈ja aneka khaga kµujahiÚ madhupa gu≈jårah∂°,<br />

åråma ramya pikådi khaga rava janu pathika ha≈kårah∂°.<br />

Its peerless ponds and tanks and charming and spacious wells looked so beautiful<br />

with their elegant flights of steps and transparent water that even gods and sages were<br />

fascinated by their sight. The lakes were adorned with many-coloured lotuses and<br />

resounded with the cooing of the numerous birds and the humming of the bees; and the<br />

delightful gardens seemed to invite the passers-by through the notes of the cuckoos and<br />

other birds.<br />

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Do.: ramånåtha jaha° råjå so pura barani ki jåi,<br />

animådika sukha sa≈padå rah∂° avadha saba chåi.29.<br />

Is it ever possible to describe the city of which <strong>Ram</strong>åís lord was the King ? Aƒimå<br />

(the power of assuming atomic size) and all other superhuman powers and even so joys<br />

and riches of every kind stayed in Ayodhyå forever. (29)<br />

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