Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

361<br />

There was a sound of music of various kinds, and the rejoicing in the city was<br />

beyond words. All prayed for Bharataís return (from his maternal uncleís) and said to one<br />

another, ìWould that Bharata came with expedition and obtained the reward of his eyes.î<br />

In every bazar, street, house, lane and place of resort men and women talked to one<br />

another, ìWhen will that blessed hour start tomorow; during which God will fulfil our<br />

desire, when with S∂tå beside Him ›r∂ Råma will take His seat on the throne of gold and<br />

when the object of our desire will be accomplished?î They all said, ìWhen will the morrow<br />

come?î While the wicked gods prayed that some trouble might brew in the meantime.<br />

The rejoicing that was going on in Ayodhyå did not please them even as a moonlit night<br />

is not liked by a thief. Invoking ›åradå the gods supplicated her and laying hold of her<br />

feet fell at them again and again. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bipati hamåri biloki baRi måtu karia soi åju,<br />

råmu jåhiÚ bana råju taji hoi sakala surakåju.11.<br />

ìPerceiving our grave calamity, O Mother, manipulate things in such a way today<br />

that ›r∂ Råma may retire into the forest, relinquishing His throne, and the object of us<br />

immortals may be wholly accomplished.î (11)<br />

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Cau.: suni sura binaya ¢håRhi pachitåt∂, bhaiu° saroja bipina himaråt∂.<br />

dekhi deva puni kahahiÚ nihor∂, måtu tohi nahiÚ thoriu khor∂.1.<br />

bisamaya haraa rahita raghuraµu, tumha jånahu saba råma prabhåµu.<br />

j∂va karama basa sukha dukha bhåg∂, jåia avadha deva hita låg∂.2.<br />

båra båra gahi carana sa°koc∂, cal∂ bicåri bibudha mati poc∂.<br />

µu° ca nivåsu n∂ci karatµut∂, dekhi na sakahiÚ paråi bibhµut∂.3.<br />

ågila kåju bicåri bahor∂, karihahiÚ cåha kusala kabi mor∂.<br />

harai hædaya° dasaratha pura å∂, janu graha daså dusaha dukhadå∂.4.<br />

Hearing this prayer of the divinities goddess ›åradå stood still and was grieved<br />

at the thought that she was going to play the same role with reference to the people of<br />

Ayodhyå as a wintry night does with respect to a bed of lotuses. Seeing her downcast<br />

the gods spoke again in a suppliant tone, ìMother, not the least blame will attach to you;<br />

for the Lord of Raghus is above sorrow and joy alike. You are fully acquainted with ›r∂<br />

Råmaís glory. As for the people, every embodied soul is subject to pleasure and pain<br />

according to its fate. Therefore, you should go to Ayodhyå for the good of the celestials.î

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