Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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762 *<br />

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chord of love that binds you and me, dear, is known to my soul alone; and my soul ever<br />

abides with you. Know this to be the essence of my love.î Videhaís Daughter was so<br />

absorbed in love the moment She heard the Lordís message, that She lost all consciousness<br />

of Her body. Said the monkey, ìMother, collect Yourself, and fix Your thoughts on ›r∂<br />

Råma, the delight of His servants. Reflect on the glory of the Lord of the Raghus and<br />

shake off all faint-heartedness upon my word.î<br />

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¡ŸŸË NUŒÿ° œË⁄U œL§ ¡⁄appleU ÁŸ‚Êø⁄U ¡ÊŸÈH 15H<br />

Do.: nisicara nikara pata≈ga sama raghupati båna kæsånu,<br />

(1ó5)<br />

janan∂ hædaya° dh∂ra dharu jare nisåcara jånu.15.<br />

ìThe hosts of demons are like so many moths, while the shafts of the Lord of the<br />

Raghus are like flames. Have courage in Your heart, mother, and take the demons as<br />

consumed.î (15)<br />

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‚ËÃÊ ◊Ÿ ÷⁄UÙ‚ Ã’ ÷ÿ§ – ¬ÈÁŸ ‹ÉÊÈ M§¬ ¬flŸ‚Èà ‹ÿ§H 5H<br />

Cau.: jau° raghub∂ra hoti sudhi på∂, karate nahiÚ bila≈bu raghurå∂.<br />

råma båna rabi ue° jånak∂, tama barµutha kaha° jåtudhåna k∂.1.<br />

abahiÚ måtu maiÚ jåu° lavå∂, prabhu åyasu nahiÚ råma dohå∂.<br />

kachuka divasa janan∂ dharu dh∂rå, kapinha sahita aihahiÚ raghub∂rå.2.<br />

nisicara måri tohi lai jaihahiÚ, tihu° pura nåradådi jasu gaihahiÚ.<br />

haiÚ suta kapi saba tumhahi samånå, jåtudhåna ati bha¢a balavånå.3.<br />

more° hædaya parama sa≈dehå, suni kapi praga¢a k∂nhi nija dehå.<br />

kanaka bhµudharåkåra sar∂rå, samara bhaya≈kara atibala b∂rå.4.<br />

s∂tå mana bharosa taba bhayaµu, puni laghu rµupa pavanasuta layaµu.5.<br />

ìHad the Hero of Raghuís line any news about You, the Lord of the Raghus would<br />

not have tarried. The moment ›r∂ Råmaís arrows make their appearance like the sun, the<br />

demon host would be scattered like the shadows of night. Mother, I would take You to<br />

Him this very moment; but, I swear by Råma, I have no such orders from the Lord.<br />

Therefore, wait patiently for some days more, mother, till the Hero of Raghuís line arrives<br />

with the troops of monkeys. Slaughtering the demons, He will take You away; while<br />

Nårada and the other sages will glorify Him in all the three spheres of creation.î ìBut, my<br />

son, all the monkeys must be pygmies like you, whereas the demons are mighty and<br />

great warriors. I have grave misgivings in my heart on this score.î On hearing this the

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