Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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arrows in order. The matted locks on His head had been tightly coiled and were<br />

interlaced with flowers. With His ruddy eyes and body dark as a rain-cloud He ravished<br />

the eyes of the whole world. He fastened His quiver to a piece of cloth girt round His<br />

loins and took in His hand formidable ›år∆ga bow. (1ó5)<br />

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Cha≈.: såra≈ga kara su≈dara nia≈ga sil∂mukhåkara ka¢i kasyo,<br />

bhujada≈Œa p∂na manoharåyata ura dharåsura pada lasyo.<br />

kaha dåsa tulas∂ jabahiÚ prabhu sara cåpa kara pherana lage,<br />

brahmå≈Œa diggaja kama¢ha ahi mahi si≈dhu bhµudhara Œagamage.<br />

The Lord took the ›år∆ga bow in His hand and fastened to His waist the beautiful<br />

quiver with an inexhaustible stock of arrows. He had a pair of muscular arms and a<br />

charming and broad chest which was adorned with the print of the Bråhmaƒaís (Bhæguís)<br />

foot. When the Lord, says Tulas∂dåsa, commenced feeling the bow and arrow with His<br />

hands, the whole universe, including the elephants guarding the eight quarters, the divine<br />

Tortoise, the serpent-god (›ea) and the earth with its oceans and mountains, began to<br />

tremble.<br />

ŒÙ0ó‚Ù÷Ê ŒappleÁπ „U⁄UÁ· ‚È⁄U ’⁄U·®„U ‚È◊Ÿ •¬Ê⁄U–<br />

¡ÿ ¡ÿ ¡ÿ ∑§L§ŸÊÁŸÁœ ¿UÁ’ ’‹ ªÈŸ •ÊªÊ⁄UH 86H<br />

Do.: sobhå dekhi harai sura baraahiÚ sumana apåra,<br />

jaya jaya jaya karunånidhi chabi bala guna ågåra.86.<br />

The gods rejoiced to see His beauty and rained down flowers in an endless<br />

shower, exclaiming ìGlory, glory, all glory to the Fountain of mercy, the storehouse of<br />

beauty, strength and goodness.î (86)<br />

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