Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

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Cau.: cåri si≈ghåsana sahaja suhåe, janu manoja nija håtha banåe.<br />

tinha para kua° ri kua° ra bai¢håre, sådara påya pun∂ta pakhåre.1.<br />

dhµupa d∂pa naibeda beda bidhi, pµuje bara dulahini ma≈galanidhi.<br />

bårahiÚ båra årat∂ karah∂°, byajana cåru cåmara sira Œharah∂°.2.<br />

bastu aneka nichåvari hoh∂°, bhar∂° pramoda måtu saba soh∂°.<br />

påvå parama tatva janu jog∂°, amætu laheu janu sa≈tata rog∂°.3.<br />

janama ra≈ka janu pårasa påvå, a≈dhahi locana låbhu suhåvå.<br />

mµuka badana janu sårada chå∂, månahu° samara sµura jaya på∂.4.<br />

There were four exquisitely beautiful thrones, which had been fashioned by Cupid<br />

with his own hands as it were; the queen-mothers seated the brides and the bridegrooms<br />

on them and reverently laved their holy feet. They then worshipped the blessed couples<br />

in accordance with the Vedic ritual by offering them incense, light and oblations of food.<br />

They passed lights around them again and again and waved beautiful fans and chowries<br />

over their heads. They scattered offerings of various kinds about them; the mothers were<br />

as full of exultation as a Yog∂ who has realized the highest truth, or as a lifelong patient<br />

who has been able to lay his hands on nectar or as a born pauper who has stumbled<br />

on a philosopher's stone, or as a blind man who has regained a good vision, or as a<br />

dumb fellow, whose tongue has been transfused with the eloquence of ›åradå, the<br />

goddess of speech, or even as a hero who has triumphed in battle. (1ó4)<br />

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÷Êßã„U ‚Á„Uà Á’•ÊÁ„U ÉÊ⁄U •Ê∞ ⁄UÉÊÈ∑ȧ‹ø¢ŒÈH 350 (∑§)H<br />

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Do.: ehi sukha te sata ko¢i guna påvahiÚ måtu ana≈du,<br />

bhåinha sahita biåhi ghara åe raghukulaca≈du.350(A).<br />

loka r∂ti janan∂° karahiÚ bara dulahini sakucåhiÚ,<br />

modu binodu biloki baRa råmu manahiÚ musukåhiÚ.350(B).<br />

The mothers derived joy millions of times greater than the joys mentioned above;<br />

for in their case it was the Delighter of Raghu's race Himself who had returned home with<br />

His brothers duly married. As the mothers performed the traditional rites the brides and<br />

their grooms felt shy; while ›r∂ Råma smiled within Himself on perceiving the ecstasy<br />

and merriment of the occasion. (350 A-B)

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