Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: mågahu bidå måtu sana jå∂, åvahu begi calahu bana bhå∂.<br />

mudita bhae suni raghubara bån∂, bhayau låbha baRa gai baRi hån∂.1.<br />

haraita hædaya° måtu pahiÚ åe, manahu° a≈dha phiri locana påe.<br />

jåi janani paga nåyau måthå, manu raghuna≈dana jånaki såthå.2.<br />

pµu° che måtu malina mana dekh∂, lakhana kah∂ saba kathå bise∂.<br />

ga∂ sahami suni bacana ka¢horå, mæg∂ dekhi dava janu cahu orå.3.<br />

lakhana lakheu bhå anaratha åjµu, ehiÚ saneha basa karaba akåjµu.<br />

mågata bidå sabhaya sakucåh∂°, jåi sa≈ga bidhi kahihi ki nåh∂°.4.<br />

ìGo and ask leave of your mother; then quickly return and accompany me to the<br />

woods.î Lakmaƒa rejoiced to hear these words from the Chief of Raghus; great was his<br />

gain and a mighty loss was averted. He went up to his mother delighted at heart as a<br />

blind man who had regained his lost vision. Approaching her he bowed his head at her<br />

feet, while his heart was with ›r∂ Råma (the Delighter of Raghuís race) and Janakaís<br />

Daughter. Finding him depressed in spirit the mother inquired the reason, when Lakmaƒa<br />

related at length the whole incident. Sumitrå was alarmed to hear this cruel report as a<br />

doe on finding wild fire all about her. Lakmaƒa apprehended that things would take a<br />

wrong turn that day and that his mother would frustrate his plans due to her affection.<br />

He, therefore, felt nervous and hesitated in asking leave of her; for he thought within<br />

himself, ìGood God, will she allow me to accompany ›r∂ Råma or not?î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: samujhi sumitrå° råma siya rµupu sus∂lu subhåu,<br />

næpa sanehu lakhi dhuneu siru påpini d∂nha kudåu.73.<br />

Remembering the beauty, amiability and noble disposition of ›r∂ Råma and S∂tå<br />

and considering the kingís affection for Them, Sumitrå beat her head as she perceived<br />

that the wicked queen (Kaikey∂) had played him foul. (73)<br />

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