Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

813<br />

ì›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus), my lord, is compassionate to the humble (He<br />

will surely forgive you). Even a tiger (the most ferocious of all beasts) will not devour a<br />

man if he goes submissively before him. You have already accomplished all that you had<br />

to do: you have conquered not only gods and demons but the whole animate and<br />

inanimate creation. Holy men, my lord, have declared this maxim that a monarch should<br />

retire to the forest in the fourth stage of his life. There, my spouse, you should adore Him<br />

who is the creator, preserver and destroyer (of the universe). Renouncing all worldly ties,<br />

my lord, worship the selfsame Hero of Raghuís line, who is fond of the suppliant. The<br />

same Lord of the Raghus, the King of Kosala, whom the greatest of sages strive hard<br />

to realize and for whom monarchs relinquish their throne and shed every attachmentó<br />

it is He who has arrived here to shower His grace on you. If, my beloved, you accept<br />

my advice, your fair and exceedingly holy renown shall spread through all the three<br />

spheres.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: asa kahi nayana n∂ra bhari gahi pada ka≈pita gåta,<br />

nåtha bhajahu raghunåthahi acala hoi ahivåta.7.<br />

So saying she clasped him by the feet; and with eyes full of tears and trembling<br />

in every limb she added, ìMy lord, worship ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus) so that<br />

my union with you may last till eternity.î (7)<br />

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Cau.: taba råvana mayasutå u¢hå∂, kahai låga khala nija prabhutå∂.<br />

sunu taiÚ priyå bæthå bhaya månå, jaga jodhå ko mohi samånå.1.<br />

baruna kubera pavana jama kålå, bhuja bala jiteu° sakala digapålå.<br />

deva danuja nara saba basa more° , kavana hetu upajå bhaya tore°.2.<br />

nånå bidhi tehi kahesi bujhå∂, sabhå° bahori bai¢ha so jå∂.<br />

ma≈dodar∂° hædaya° asa jånå, kåla basya upajå abhimånå.3.<br />

sabhå° åi ma≈trinha tehiÚ bµujhå, karaba kavana bidhi ripu saiÚ jµujhå.<br />

kahahiÚ saciva sunu nisicara nåhå, båra båra prabhu pµuchahu kåhå.4.<br />

kahahu kavana bhaya karia bicårå, nara kapi bhålu ahåra hamårå.5.<br />

Thereupon Råvaƒa lifted Mayaís daughter (Mandodar∂) and the wretch began<br />

to harp on his own glory. ìListen, darling; you are haunted by idle fears. What warrior

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