Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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* UTTARA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

1075<br />

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Cau.: kåla karma guna doa subhåµu, kachu dukha tumhahi na byåpihi kåµu.<br />

råma rahasya lalita bidhi nånå, gupta praga¢a itihåsa purånå.1.<br />

binu ‹rama tumha jånaba saba soµu, nita nava neha råma pada hoµu.<br />

jo icchå karihahu mana måh∂°, hari prasåda kachu durlabha nåh∂°.2.<br />

suni muni åsia sunu matidh∂rå, brahmagirå bhai gagana ga°bh∂rå.<br />

evamastu tava baca muni gyån∂, yaha mama bhagata karma mana bån∂.3.<br />

suni nabhagirå haraa mohi bhayaµu, prema magana saba sa≈saya gayaµu.<br />

kari binat∂ muni åyasu på∂, pada saroja puni puni siru nå∂.4.<br />

haraa sahita ehiÚ å‹rama åyau°, prabhu prasåda durlabha bara påyau° .<br />

ihå° basata mohi sunu khaga ∂så, b∂te kalapa såta aru b∂sa.5.<br />

karau° sadå raghupati guna gånå, sådara sunahiÚ biha≈ga sujånå.<br />

jaba jaba avadhapur∂° raghub∂rå, dharahiÚ bhagata hita manuja sar∂rå.6.<br />

taba taba jåi råma pura rahau° , sisul∂lå biloki sukha lahaµu° .<br />

puni ura råkhi råma sisurµupå, nija å‹rama åvau° khagabhµupå.7.<br />

kathå sakala maiÚ tumhahi sunå∂, kåga deha jehiÚ kårana på∂.<br />

kahiu° tåta saba prasna tumhår∂, råma bhagati mahimå ati bhår∂.8.<br />

ìNo suffering occasioned by time, fate, merit, demerit or disposition shall ever<br />

torment you. The manifold charming mysteries of ›r∂ Råma, that are found mentioned<br />

in the chronicles and Puråƒas either explicitly or implicitly, you will come to know<br />

without any difficulty; and the flame of your devotion to ›r∂ Råmaís feet will grow<br />

ever brighter and brighter. Whatever longing you may entertain in your mind, you<br />

shall have no difficulty in attaining it by the grace of ›r∂ Hari.î On hearing the sageís<br />

benediction, mark me, O GaruŒa of steadfast reason, a deep voiceówhich was<br />

evidently the voice of the Supreme Spiritówas heard from the heavens: ìMay your<br />

prophesy come to be true, O enlightened sage ! He is My votary in thought, word<br />

and deed.î I rejoiced to hear the heavenly voice and stood overwhelmed with love<br />

and rid of all my doubts. On receiving the sageís permission in response to my<br />

prayer I repeatedly bowed my head at his feet and gladly came away to this hermitage,<br />

having obtained by the Lordís grace a rare boon. Listen, O lord of the feathered<br />

creation : I have now lived in this hermitage for seven and twenty rounds of creation.<br />

I am ever engaged in hymning the praises of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus),<br />

while enlightened birds reverently listen to them. Each time the Hero of Raghuís line<br />

assumes the form of a man in the city of Ayodhyå for the sake of His devotees<br />

I go and stay at the capital of ›r∂ Råma and enjoy the spectacle of His childish<br />

sports. Again, enshrining an image of the child Råma in my heart I return to my<br />

hermitage, O king of the birds. I have now told you all the circumstances that invested

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