Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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with rapture on beholding the incomparable beauty of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus).<br />

They remained gazing with unwinking eyes on the Lord, who is the abode of comeliness<br />

and brings about release from worldly existence and has a swarthy form and lotus-eyes .<br />

The Lord in His turn bowed His head with joined palms. When the Hero of Raghuís line<br />

perceived their condition, His eyes too streamed with tears and every hair on His body<br />

stood on its end. Taking them by the hand, the Lord seated them and addressed them<br />

in most charming words : ìListen, great sages: I am indeed blessed today. By your very<br />

sight all oneís sins are wiped out. By extreme good luck one is able to secure the<br />

company of saints; for through such communion the chain of births and deaths is broken<br />

without the least exertion. (1ó4)<br />

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∑§„UÁ„¢U ‚¢Ã ∑§Á’ ∑§ÙÁ’Œ üÊÈÁà ¬È⁄UÊŸ ‚Œª˝¢ÕH 33H<br />

Do.: sa≈ta sa≈ga apabarga kara kåm∂ bhava kara pa≈tha,<br />

kahahiÚ sa≈ta kabi kobida ‹ruti puråna sadagra≈tha.33.<br />

ìCommunion with saints is the road to emancipation, while that of the sensualist<br />

paves the way for transmigration: so declare the saints themselves, the men of wisdom<br />

and the learned, as well as the Vedas, Puråƒas and other real scriptures.î<br />

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(33)<br />

¡ÿ ÷ªfl¢Ã •Ÿ¢Ã •ŸÊ◊ÿ – •ŸÉÊ •Ÿapple∑§ ∞∑§ ∑§L§ŸÊ◊ÿH 1H<br />

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Cau.: suni prabhu bacana harai muni cår∂, pulakita tana astuti anusår∂.<br />

jaya bhagava≈ta ana≈ta anåmaya, anagha aneka eka karunåmaya.1.<br />

jaya nirguƒa jaya jaya guna sågara, sukha ma≈dira su≈dara ati någara.<br />

jaya i≈dirå ramana jaya bhµudhara, anupama aja anådi sobhåkara.2.<br />

gyåna nidhåna amåna månaprada, påvana sujasa puråna beda bada.<br />

tagya kætagya agyatå bha≈jana, nåma aneka anåma nira≈jana.3.<br />

sarba sarbagata sarba urålaya, basasi sadå hama kahu° paripålaya.<br />

dva≈da bipati bhava pha≈da bibha≈jaya, hædi basi råma kåma mada ga≈jaya.4.<br />

The four sages were all rejoiced to hear the Lordís words and with every hair on<br />

their body standing erect they proceeded to hymn His praises : ìGlory to the Almighty<br />

Lord, who is infinite, immutable and sinless, who is one as well as many and allgracious<br />

! Glory to the Lord who is beyond the modes of Prakæti ! Glory, glory to the<br />

Ocean of goodness, the Abode of bliss, handsome and most urbane in manners. Glory<br />

to Indiråís (Lakm∂ís) Spouse ! Glory to the Supporter of the earth, peerless, unborn and<br />

dateless, a mine of elegance. A storehouse of wisdom that You are, You are free from<br />

pride and yet bestow honour on others : the Vedas and Puråƒaís sing Your sanctifying

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