Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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with Råma, such will be your fate: struck with ›r∂ Råmaís arrows your many heads will<br />

fall to the ground in front of the monkeys, and the bears and monkeys will play with those<br />

heads as with so many balls. When the Lord of the Raghus gets enraged in battle and<br />

His many fierce arrows dart, will you then be able to bounce like this? Realizing this,<br />

adore the high-souled ›r∂ Råma.î On hearing these words Råvaƒa flared up like a<br />

blazing fire on which clarified butter has been thrown. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: ku≈bhakarana asa ba≈dhu mama suta prasiddha sakråri,<br />

mora paråkrama nahiÚ sunehi jiteu° caråcara jhåri.27.<br />

ìI have a brother like Kumbhakarƒa (lit., one having ears as big as a pair of jars)<br />

and the renowned Meghanåda (the vanquisher of Indra) for my son. And have you never<br />

heard of my own valour, by which I have conquered the entire creation, both animate and<br />

inanimate?î (27)<br />

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Cau.: sa¢ha såkhåmæga jori sahå∂, bå° dhå si≈dhu ihai prabhutå∂.<br />

någhahiÚ khaga aneka bår∂så, sµura na hohiÚ te sunu saba k∂så.1.<br />

mama bhuja sågara bala jala pµurå, jaha° bµuRe bahu sura nara sµurå.<br />

b∂sa payodhi agådha apårå, ko asa b∂ra jo påihi pårå.2.<br />

digapålanha maiÚ n∂ra bharåvå, bhµupa sujasa khala mohi sunåvå.<br />

jau° pai samara subha¢a tava nåthå, puni puni kahasi jåsu guna gåthå.3.<br />

tau bas∂¢ha pa¢havata kehi kåjå, ripu sana pr∂ti karata nahiÚ låjå.<br />

haragiri mathana nirakhu mama båhµu, puni sa¢ha kapi nija prabhuhi saråhµu.4.<br />

ìFool, with the help of monkeys your master has bridged the ocean; is this what<br />

you call valour? There are many birds which fly across the ocean; yet listen, O monkey,<br />

they are no heroes all. Now each of my arms is a veritable ocean, brimming over with<br />

a flood of strength, beneath which many a valiant god and man has been drowned. What<br />

hero is there, who will cross these twenty unfathomable and boundless oceans? I made<br />

the guardians of the eight quarters do menial service to me; while you, O wretch, glorify<br />

an earthly prince before me ! If your lord, whose virtues you recount again and again, is<br />

valiant in battle, why does he send an ambassador to me? Is he not ashamed to make<br />

terms with his enemy? Look at my arms, which lifted and violently shook Mount Kailåsa,<br />

and then, foolish monkey, extol your master, if you like.î (1ó4)

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