Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

ARA°NYA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

653<br />

bow and an arrow, O Lord of the three worlds ! The ornament of the solar race, You<br />

broke the bow of the great Lord ›iva. Delighting the greatest sages and saints, You<br />

crush the host of demons ( the enemies of gods ). You are an object of reverence to Lord<br />

›iva, and are adored by Brahmå and other divinities. An embodiment of pure consciousness,<br />

You destroy all evils. I bow to Lakm∂ís lord, the fountain of joy and the salvation of<br />

saints. I adore You with Your Spouse (S∂tå) and younger brother (Lakmaƒa), Yourself<br />

a beloved younger Brother* of Indra ( ›ach∂ís lord). Men who worship the sole of Your<br />

feet and are free from jealousy sink not into the ocean of metempsychosis, turbulent with<br />

the billows of wrangling. They who, living in seclusion, constantly worship You with their<br />

senses and mind etc., fully subdued for the sake of attaining liberation are able to realize<br />

their own self. I adore Him, the mysterious Lord, who is one (without a second),<br />

desireless, all-powerful and omnipresent, the teacher of the world, eternal, transcending<br />

the three Guƒas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas) and absolute (self-existent). I adore Him<br />

who is fond of devotion, who is most difficult of access to sensually-minded strivers but<br />

who is a wish-yielding tree to His own devotees, nay, who is impartial and so easy to<br />

worship from day to day. I bow to S∂tåís lord, King Råma of matchless beauty. I<br />

reverence You; be gracious to me and grant me devotion to Your lotus feet. Men who<br />

recite this hymn with reverence undoubtedly attain Your abode, acquiring devotion to<br />

Your feet at the same time.î (1ó12)<br />

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Do.: binat∂ kari muni nåi siru kaha kara jori bahori,<br />

carana saroruha nåtha jani kabahu° tajai mati mori.4.<br />

Having prayed thus the sage bowed his head, and joining his palms spoke again:<br />

ìMy mind, O Lord, may never abandon Your lotus feet.î (4)<br />

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* The Lord is here identified with Bhagavån Våmana ( the divine Dwarf), who was born of Aditi<br />

( Ka‹yapaís wife) as a younger brother of Indra.

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