Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

419<br />

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Cau.: gae lakhanu jaha° jånakinåthµu, bhe mana mudita påi priya såthµu.<br />

ba≈di råma siya carana suhåe, cale sa≈ga næpama≈dira åe.1.<br />

kahahiÚ parasapara pura nara når∂, bhali banåi bidhi båta bigår∂.<br />

tana kæsa mana dukhu badana mal∂ne, bikala manahu° måkh∂ madhu ch∂ne.2.<br />

kara m∂jahiÚ siru dhuni pachitåh∂°, janu binu pa≈kha bihaga akulåh∂°.<br />

bhai baRi bh∂ra bhµupa darabårå, barani na jåi biådu apårå.3.<br />

sciva° u¢håi råu bai¢håre, kahi priya bacana råmu pagu dhåre.<br />

siya sameta dou tanaya nihår∂, byåkula bhayau bhµumipati bhår∂.4.<br />

Lakmaƒa went straight to where the Lord of Jånak∂ (Janakaís Daughter) was; he<br />

was glad at heart to find himself in the company of his beloved Brother. Bowing to the<br />

charming feet of ›r∂ Råma and S∂tå he accompanied Them to the kingís palace. The men<br />

and women of the city said to one another, ìHow strange that God wellnigh fulfilled our<br />

hopes and then shattered them!î With emaciated bodies, a sorrowful heart and doleful<br />

face they felt miserable as a bee that has been robbed of its honey. They wrung their<br />

hands, beat their heads and lamented like birds that had been clipt of their wings and<br />

were restless without them. A huge crowd had collected at the entrance of the royal<br />

palace and there was untold grief which knew no bounds. The minister (Sumantra) raised<br />

the king and seated him communicating to him the agreeable news that ›r∂ Råma had<br />

come. When he saw his two sons with S∂tå, his distress was profound. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: s∂ya sahita suta subhaga dou dekhi dekhi akulåi,<br />

bårahiÚ båra saneha basa råu lei ura låi.76.<br />

The king felt much agitated as he gazed on his two sons with S∂tå. Overwhelmed<br />

with emotion he pressed them to his bosom again and again.<br />

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(76)<br />

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