Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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1054 *<br />

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Do.: brahma gyåna binu nåri nara kahahiÚ na dµusari båta,<br />

kauR∂ lågi lobha basa karahiÚ bipra gura ghåta.99(A).<br />

bådahiÚ sµudra dvijanha sana hama tumha te kachu ghå¢i,<br />

jånai brahma so biprabara å° khi dekhåvahiÚ Œå¢i.99(B).<br />

Men and women talk of nothing else than the Knowledge of Brahma; while in their<br />

greed they would kill a Bråhmaƒa or, for the matter of that, even their own spiritual guide<br />

for the sake of a single shell. ›µudras argue with the twice-born : ìAre we in anyway<br />

inferior to you? A good Bråhmaƒa is he who knows the truth of Brahma !î and defiantly<br />

glower at them. (99 A-B)<br />

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Cau.: para triya la≈pa¢a kapa¢a sayåne, moha droha mamatå lapa¢åne.<br />

tei abhedabåd∂ gyån∂ nara, dekhå maiÚ caritra kalijuga kara.1.<br />

åpu gae aru tinhahµu ghålahiÚ, je kahµu° sata måraga pratipålahiÚ.<br />

kalpa kalpa bhari eka eka narakå, parahiÚ je dµuahiÚ ‹ruti kari tarakå.2.<br />

je baranådhama teli kumhårå, svapaca kiråta kola kalavårå.<br />

nåri mu∂ gæha sa≈pati nås∂, mµuRa muRåi hohiÚ sa≈nyås∂.3.<br />

te bipranha sana åpu pujåvahiÚ, ubhaya loka nija håtha nasåvahiÚ.<br />

bipra niracchara lolupa kåm∂, niråcåra sa¢ha bæal∂ svåm∂.4.<br />

sµudra karahiÚ japa tapa brata nånå, bai¢hi baråsana kahahiÚ purånå.<br />

saba nara kalpita karahiÚ acårå, jåi na barani an∂ti apårå.5.<br />

They alone who are covetous of antotherís wife and are clever at wiles and<br />

steeped in delusion, malice and worldly attachment are enlightened men swearing by the<br />

identity of the individual soul with Brahma. Such is the practice I have seen in every Kali<br />

age. Doomed themselves, such people bring ruin even to those rare souls who tread the<br />

path of virtue. They who find fault with the Vedas by dint of logic are condemned to each<br />

hell for a whole Kalpa (cycle). People of the lowest grade in society such as oil-men,<br />

potters, the outcaste (lit., those who cook and feed on the flesh of a dog), the Kiråtas<br />

and Kolas and the distillers of spirituous liquors get their heads shaved and enter the<br />

order of Sa≈nyåsa (renunciation) when their wife is no more in this world and they have<br />

lost their household property. They allow themselves to be worshipped by the Bråhmaƒas<br />

and bring ruin to themselves here as well as hereafter. As for the Bråhmaƒas, they are<br />

unlettered, grasping, lascivious, reprobate and stupid and marry low-caste women of a<br />

lewd character. ›µudras, on the other hand, practise Japa (the muttering of prayers) and

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