Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

391<br />

Invoking the mighty Lord ›iva he solicited Him saying, ìHear my prayer, O ever-blissful<br />

Lord! Quickly pleased and indiscreetly generous as You are, pray relieve my affliction<br />

knowing me to be in distress. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: tumha preraka saba ke hædaya° so mati råmahi dehu,<br />

bacanu mora taji rahahiÚ ghara parihari s∂lu sanehu.44.<br />

ìDwelling as You do in the heart of all as the prompter of actions, so inspire Råma<br />

that he may flout my word and stay at home casting to the wind all sense of propriety<br />

and filial affection.î<br />

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Cau.: ajasu hou jaga sujasu nasåµu, naraka parau° baru surapuru jåµu.<br />

saba dukha dusaha sahåvahu moh∂, locana o¢a råmu jani ho≈h∂.1.<br />

asa mana gunai råu nahiÚ bolå, p∂para påta sarisa manu Œolå.<br />

raghupati pitahi premabasa jån∂, puni kachu kahihi måtu anumån∂.2.<br />

desa kåla avasara anusår∂, bole bacana bin∂ta bicår∂.<br />

tåta kahau° kachu karau° Œhi¢hå∂, anucitu chamaba jåni larikå∂ .3.<br />

ati laghu båta lågi dukhu påvå, kåhu° na mohi kahi prathama janåvå.<br />

dekhi gosåiÚhi pµu° chiu° måtå, suni prasa≈gu bhae s∂tala gåtå.4.<br />

ìLet world-wide disrepute be my lot and let my good name perish; I would fain be<br />

damned to perdition and forgo heaven (the abode of immortals). Subject me to all severe<br />

hardships; but let not Råma be screened from my view.î The king thus prayed within his<br />

heart but did not open his lips; his mind quivered like an aspen leaf. Perceiving that His<br />

father was overpowered with affection, and apprehending that mother Kaikey∂ might utter<br />

something again, the Lord of Raghus (›r∂ Råma) spoke after due deliberation words<br />

which were not only humble but also suited to the place, time and circumstances. ìDear<br />

father, I make bold to submit something; pray forgive this impropriety on my part knowing<br />

that I am yet tender of age. You have suffered for a most trifling matter; and the pity of<br />

it is that nobody apprized me of it before. When I saw you I asked mother Kaikey∂, and<br />

was consoled to hear what she has told me.î (1ó4)<br />

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