Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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nija nija såju samåju banå∂, guha råutahi johåre jå∂.<br />

dekhi subha¢a saba låyaka jåne, lai lai nåma sakala sanamåne.4.<br />

ìMake haste, brethren, to get ready the necessary equipment; on hearing my<br />

command, let no one shrink in fear.î ìAll right, my lord,î they all joyfully responded, and<br />

roused the spirit of one another. Greeting their chief one after another, the Niådas left;<br />

they were all brave and loved to fight on the battlefield. Invoking the shoes of ›r∂ Råmaís<br />

lotus feet they fastened their quiver and strung their bow. Nay, they donned their coat<br />

of mail, placed the helmet on their head and straightened their axe, bludgeon and spear.<br />

Some of them who were exceptionally clever at fencing, sprang with such agility that it<br />

seemed they never touched the ground and moved in the air. Equipping themselves with<br />

their weapons etc., and forming themselves into batches they all went up to their chief,<br />

Guha, and greeted him. Seeing his gallant warriors and finding them all fit for active<br />

service he addressed them, each by his name, and duly honoured them. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bhåihu låvahu dhokha jani åju kåja baRa mohi,<br />

suni saroa bole subha¢a b∂ra adh∂ra na hohi.191.<br />

ìSpare not your life, brethren; there is a great issue before me today.î At this the<br />

gallant warriors spiritedly exclaimed, ìHave patience, our brave chieftain!î (191)<br />

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Cau.: råma pratåpa nåtha bala tore, karahiÚ ka¢aku binu bha¢a binu ghore.<br />

j∂vata påu na påche° dharah∂°, ru≈Œa mu≈Œamaya medini karah∂°.1.<br />

d∂kha niådanåtha bhala ¢olµu, kaheu bajåu jujhåµu Œholµu.<br />

etanå kahata ch∂°ka bhai bå° e, kaheu sagunianha kheta suhåe.2.<br />

bµuRhu eku kaha saguna bicår∂, bharatahi milia na hoihi rår∂.<br />

råmahi bharatu manåvana jåh∂°, saguna kahai asa bigrahu nåh∂°.3.<br />

suni guha kahai n∂ka kaha bµuRhå, sahaså kari pachitåhiÚ bimµuRhå.<br />

bharata subhåu s∂lu binu bµujhe°, baRi hita håni jåni binu jµujhe°.4.<br />

ìThrough the majesty of ›r∂ Råma and by your might, my lord, we shall leave no<br />

fighting man or horse in the enemyís ranks. We shall never retrace our steps so long as<br />

there is life in us; nay, we shall strew the earth with the trunks and heads of fallen<br />

warriors!î The Niåda chief saw that he had a good band of warriors and exclaimed,<br />

ìBeat the martial drum.î Even as he said so someone sneezed on the left. The sooth-

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