Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

BÅLA-KÅ°NœA *<br />

193<br />

There was happy music of festivity in every house; for the very fountain of<br />

beauty had manifested Himself. All the men and women of the city were full of joy<br />

everywhere. (194)<br />

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Cau.: kaikayasutå sumitrå doµu, su≈dara suta janamata bhaiÚ oµu.<br />

vaha sukha sa≈pati samaya samåjå, kahi na sakai sårada ahiråjå.1.<br />

avadhapur∂ sohai ehi bhå° t∂, prabhuhi milana å∂ janu råt∂.<br />

dekhi bhånu janu mana sakucån∂, tadapi ban∂ sa≈dhyå anumån∂.2.<br />

agara dhµupa bahu janu a°dhiår∂, uRai ab∂ra manahu° arunår∂.<br />

ma≈dira mani samµuha janu tårå, næpa gæha kalasa so i≈du udårå.3.<br />

bhavana bedadhuni ati mædu bån∂, janu khaga mukhara samaya° janu sån∂.<br />

kautuka dekhi pata≈ga bhulånå, eka måsa teiÚ jåta na jånå.4.<br />

Kaikey∂ and Sumitrå each gave birth to a lovely boy. The joy, grandeur, solemnity<br />

of the occasion and the concourse of men were more than what ›åradå and the serpentking<br />

could describe. The city of Ayodhyå wore a galla appearance; it looked as if Night<br />

had come to see the Lord and, feeling abashed as it were at the sight of the sun (her<br />

own lord), had deliberately stayed over in the form of twilight. Clouds of incense<br />

represented the dusk; and handfuls of red powder tossed up and wafted in the air<br />

represented the redish light of sunset. The hosts of jewels that gleamed on house tops<br />

looked like so many stars; while the round pinnacle on the top of the royal palace<br />

corresponded to the beautiful moon. The murmuring sound of the chanting of Veda in the<br />

palace resembled the chirping of birds appropriate to the occasion. Gazing upon this<br />

spectacle the sun for got himself; a whole month passed without his knowing it. (1ó4)<br />

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⁄UÕ ‚◊appleà ⁄UÁ’ ÕÊ∑apple§©U ÁŸ‚Ê ∑§flŸ Á’Áœ „UÙßH 195H<br />

Do.: måsa divasa kara divasa bhå marama na jånai koi,<br />

ratha sameta rabi thåkeu niså kavana bidhi hoi.195.<br />

The day assumed the length of a month; but no one could understand the mystery.<br />

The sun stood motionless with his chariot; how could there be any night? (195)<br />

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