Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

KI®KINDHÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

733<br />

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Cau.: carana nåi siru binat∂ k∂nh∂, lachimana abhaya bå°ha tehi d∂nh∂.<br />

krodhava≈ta lachimana suni kånå, kaha kap∂sa ati bhaya° akulånå.1.<br />

sunu hanuma≈ta sa≈ga lai tårå, kari binat∂ samujhåu kumårå.<br />

tårå sahita jåi hanumånå, carana ba≈di prabhu sujasa bakhånå.2.<br />

kari binat∂ ma≈dira lai åe, carana pakhåri pala°ga bai¢håe.<br />

taba kap∂sa carananhi siru nåvå, gahi bhuja lachimana ka≈¢ha lagåvå.3.<br />

nåtha biaya sama mada kachu nåh∂°, muni mana moha karai chana måh∂°.<br />

sunata bin∂ta bacana sukha påvå, lachimana tehi bahu bidhi samujhåvå.4.<br />

pavana tanaya saba kathå sunå∂, jehi bidhi gae dµuta samudå∂.5.<br />

He bowed his head at Lakmaƒaís feet and made humble petition to him,<br />

whereupon Lakmaƒa extended to him his protecting arms. When the report of Lakmaƒaís<br />

wrath reached the ears of the monkey lord (King Sugr∂va), he was terribly distracted with<br />

fear and said, ìListen, Hanumån: take Tårå with you and with suppliant prayers appease<br />

the prince (Lakmaƒa).î Hanumån accordingly went with Queen Tårå and bowing at<br />

Lakmaƒaís feet recounted the Lordís glory. With much supplication he escorted the<br />

prince to the palace and after laving his feet seated him on a couch. Then the monkey<br />

lord (Sugr∂va) bowed his head at the princeís feet, while Lakmaƒa took him by the arm<br />

and hugged him. ìThere is nothing so intoxicating, my lord, as the pleasures of sense<br />

which in an instant infatuate the soul even of a sage.î Lakmaƒa was gratified to hear<br />

his humble speech and reassured him in many ways. The son of the wind-god told him<br />

all that had happened in the meantime, viz., how batches of spies had been despatched<br />

(in various directions).<br />

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(1ó5)<br />

Do.: harai cale sugr∂va taba a≈gadådi kapi såtha,<br />

råmånuja åge° kari åe jaha° raghunåtha.20.<br />

Accompanied by A∆gada and other monkeyís and placing ›r∂ Råmaís younger<br />

brother at the head. King Sugr∂va went forth with joy and arrived in ›r∂ Råmaís<br />

presence. (20)<br />

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