Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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enamoured of his virtues it is unable to describe them; the poetís wit finds itself as<br />

helpless as an infantís speech. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: bharata bimala jasu bimala bidhu sumati cakorakumåri,<br />

udita bimala jana hædaya nabha eka¢aka rah∂ nihåri.303.<br />

Bharataís untarnished glory is like the moon without its spot while the poetís<br />

brilliant wit is like the young of a Cakora bird that remains gazing with unwinking eyes<br />

when it sees the moon rising in the heavens of a guileless devoteeís heart. (303)<br />

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Cau.: bharata subhåu na sugama nigamahµu°, laghu mati cåpalatå kabi chamahµu° .<br />

kahata sunata sati bhåu bharata ko, s∂ya råma pada hoi na rata ko.1.<br />

sumirata bharatahi premu råma ko, jehi na sulabhu tehi sarisa båma ko.<br />

dekhi dayåla daså sabah∂ k∂, råma sujåna jåni jana j∂ k∂ .2.<br />

dharama dhur∂na dh∂ra naya någara, satya saneha s∂la sukha sågara.<br />

desu kålu lakhi samau samåjµu, n∂ti pr∂ti pålaka raghuråjµu.3.<br />

bole bacana båni sarabasu se, hita parinåma sunata sasi rasu se.<br />

tåta bharata tumha dharama dhur∂nå, loka beda bida prema prab∂nå.4.<br />

Bharataís noble sentiment cannot be easily grasped even by the Vedas; pardon,<br />

therefore, O poets! the frivolity of my poor wits. By discussing Bharataís genuine love<br />

who will not get devoted to the feet of S∂tå and ›r∂ Råma? Is there anyone so vile as the<br />

man who is not easily inspired with love for ›r∂ Råma by the very thought of Bharata?<br />

Seeing the plight of all and knowing what was in the mind of His devotee (Bharata) and<br />

after fully considering the place, time, occasion and gathering, the all-merciful and allknowing<br />

›r∂ Råma, the Lord of Raghus, who was a champion of virtue, self-possessed<br />

and prudent, and an ocean of truth, love, amiability and joy, nay, who respected the laws<br />

of propriety and was faithful in His love, spoke words which formed the very essence<br />

as it were of eloquence and which were salutary in consequence and sweet as nectar<br />

to hear: ìDear Bharata, you are an upholder of righteousness, well-versed in secular lore<br />

as well as in the Vedas and adept in love.î (1ó4)<br />

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