Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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138 *<br />

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Cau.: kupatha måga ruja byåkula rog∂, baida na dei sunahu muni jog∂.<br />

ehi bidhi hita tumhåra maiÚ ¢hayaµu, kahi asa a≈tarahita prabhu bhayaµu.1.<br />

måyå bibasa bhae muni mµuRhå, samujh∂ nahiÚ hari girå nigµuRhå.<br />

gavane turata tahå° riirå∂, jahå° svaya≈bara bhµumi banå∂.2.<br />

nija nija åsana bai¢he råjå, bahu banåva kari sahita samåjå.<br />

muni mana haraa rµupa ati more° , mohi taji ånahi barihi na bhore°.3.<br />

muni hita kårana kæpånidhånå, d∂nha kurµupa na jåi bakhånå.<br />

so caritra lakhi kåhu° na påvå, nårada jåni sabahiÚ sira nåvå.4.<br />

ìHark, O contemplative ascetic! if a patient distracted by his malady asks for<br />

something which is harmful to him, the physician would not give it. In a like manner I have<br />

resolved on doing what is good to you.î So saying, the Lord disappeared. Under the spell<br />

of His Måyå the sage was so mystified that he could not understand even such<br />

unambiguous words of ›r∂ Hari. The chief of seers hastened to the spot where the arena<br />

for the choice-marriage had been prepared. Richly adorned, the royal suitors had<br />

occupied their respective seats, each with his retinue. The sage was glad at heart; for<br />

he thought within himself, ìMy beauty is so surpassing that the princess will never<br />

commit the error of choosing for her husband anyone else than me.î In the sageís own<br />

interest the gracious Lord had made him hideous beyond description. But no one could<br />

mark the change that had taken place in him; everyone knew him to be Nårada and<br />

greeted him as such. (1ó4)<br />

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Á’¬˝’apple· Œappleπà Á»§⁄U®„U ¬⁄U◊ ∑§ıÃÈ∑§Ë Ãapple©UH 133H<br />

Do.: rahe tahå° dui rudra gana te jånahiÚ saba bheu,<br />

biprabea dekhata phirahiÚ parama kautuk∂ teu.133.<br />

Two of ›ivaís attendants too happened to be there. They knew the whole secret<br />

and, disguised as Bråhmaƒas, went about seeing the fun. (133)<br />

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