Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

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Cau.: je råmesvara darasanu karihahiÚ, te tanu taji mama loka sidharihahiÚ.<br />

jo ga≈gåjalu åni caRhåihi, so såjujya mukti nara påihi.1.<br />

hoi akåma jo chala taji seihi, bhagati mori tehi sa≈kara deihi.<br />

mama kæta setu jo darasanu karih∂, so binu ‹rama bhavasågara tarih∂.2.<br />

råma bacana saba ke jiya bhåe, munibara nija nija å‹rama åe.<br />

girijå raghupati kai yaha r∂t∂, sa≈tata karahiÚ pranata para pr∂t∂.3.<br />

bå° dhå setu n∂la nala någara, råma kæpå° jasu bhayau ujågara.<br />

bµuRahiÚ ånahi borahiÚ je∂, bhae upala bohita sama te∂.4.<br />

mahimå yaha na jaladhi kai baran∂, påhana guna na kapinha kai karan∂.5.<br />

ìThey who will behold Lord Råme‹vara will, on quitting the body, go direct to My<br />

sphere in heaven. And a man who takes the water of the Ga∆gå and pours it on the Lord<br />

will attain liberation in the form of absorption into My being. Again, whosoever adores the<br />

Lord in a disinterested spirit and without guile will be blessed by ›a∆kara with devotion<br />

to Me. And he who sees the bridge erected by me will be able to cross the ocean of<br />

worldly existence without any exertion.î ›r∂ Råmaís words gladdened the heart of all and<br />

the great sages returned each to his own hermitage. Girijå, (says ›a∆kara,) such is the<br />

way of the Lord of the Raghus: He ever loves those who take refuge in Him. The clever<br />

Nala and N∂la constructed the bridge and by Råmaís grace their renown spread far and<br />

wide. Those very rocks that not only sink themselves but cause even other things to<br />

sink alongwith them floated like so many rafts. This is, however, not ascribed to any<br />

miraculous power of the ocean, nor to a virtue of the rocks themselves, nor again to any<br />

skill of the monkeys. (1ó5)<br />

ŒÙ0óüÊË ⁄UÉÊÈ’Ë⁄U ¬˝Ãʬ Ãapple Á‚¢œÈ Ã⁄appleU ¬Ê·ÊŸ–<br />

Ãapple ◊ÁÃ◊¢Œ ¡apple ⁄UÊ◊ ÃÁ¡ ÷¡Á„¢U ¡Êß ¬˝÷È •ÊŸH 3H<br />

Do.: ‹r∂ raghub∂ra pratåpa te si≈dhu tare pååna,<br />

te matima≈da je råma taji bhajahiÚ jåi prabhu åna.3.<br />

It was by the might of ›r∂ Råma (the Hero of Raghuís line) that rocks floated on the<br />

ocean. They are dull-witted indeed, who go to worship a lord other than ›r∂ Råma. (3)<br />

øı0ó’Ê°Áœ ‚appleÃÈ •Áà ‚Ȍ΅∏U ’ŸÊflÊ – ŒappleÁπ ∑Χ¬ÊÁŸÁœ ∑apple§ ◊Ÿ ÷ÊflÊH<br />

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ÁÃã„U ∑§Ë •Ù≈U Ÿ ŒappleÁπ• ’Ê⁄UË – ◊ªŸ ÷∞ „UÁ⁄U M§¬ ÁŸ„UÊ⁄UËH 4H<br />

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