Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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*<br />

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""<br />

AYODHYÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

433<br />

dharani dhåmu dhanu pura parivårµu, saragu naraku jaha° lagi byavahårµu.<br />

dekhia sunia gunia mana måh∂°, moha mµula paramårathu nåh∂°.4.<br />

ìThe wicked woman has played the axe in felling the tree of the solar race and<br />

plunged the whole universe in woe.î The Niåda chief was sore distressed to see Råma<br />

and S∂tå sleeping on the ground. Lakmaƒa spoke to him sweet and gentle words imbued<br />

with the nectar of wisdom, dispassion and devotion: ìNo one is a source of delight or pain<br />

to another; everyone reaps the fruit of oneís own actions, brother. Union and separation,<br />

pleasurable and painful experiences, friends, foes and neutralsósnares of delusion are<br />

these. Even so birth and death, prosperity and adversity, destiny and time and all the<br />

illusion of the world; lands, houses, wealth, town and family, heaven and hell, and all the<br />

phenomena of the world; nay, whatever is seen, heard or thought of with the mind has<br />

its root in ignorance: nothing exists in reality.î (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: sapane° hoi bhikhåri næpu ra≈ku nåkapati hoi,<br />

jåge° låbhu na håni kachu timi prapa≈ca jiya° joi.92.<br />

ìSuppose in a dream a beggar is crowned king or the lord of paradise is reduced<br />

to the state of a pauper; on waking, the one does not gain nor does the other lose<br />

anything. So must you look upon this world.î (92)<br />

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Cau.: asa bicåri nahiÚ k∂jia rosµu, kåhuhi bådi na deia dosµu.<br />

moha niså° sabu sovanihårå, dekhia sapana aneka prakårå.1.<br />

ehiÚ jaga jåmini jågahiÚ jog∂, paramårath∂ prapa≈ca biyog∂.<br />

jånia tabahiÚ j∂va jaga jågå, jaba saba biaya bilåsa birågå.2.<br />

hoi bibeku moha bhrama bhågå, taba raghunåtha carana anurågå.<br />

sakhå parama paramårathu ehµu, mana krama bacana råma pada nehµu.3.<br />

råma brahma paramåratha rµupå, abigata alakha anådi anµupå.<br />

sakala bikåra rahita gatabhedå, kahi nita neti nirµupahiÚ bedå.4.<br />

ìReasoning thus be not angry nor blame anyone in vain. Everyone is slumbering<br />

in the night of delusion, and while asleep one sees dreams of various kinds. In this<br />

night of mundane existence it is Yog∂s (mystics) alone who keep awakeóYog∂s who<br />

are in quest of the highest truth and remain aloof from the world. A soul should be<br />

deemed as having awoke from the night of the world only when he develops and

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