Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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Cau.: jåneu° maramu råu ha° si kaha∂, tumhahi kohåba parama priya aha∂.<br />

thåt∂ råkhi na mågihu kåµu, bisari gayau mohi bhora subhåµu.1.<br />

jhµu¢hehu° hamahi dou jani dehµu, dui kai cåri mågi maku lehµu.<br />

raghukula r∂ti sadå cali å∂, pråna jåhu° baru bacanu na jå∂.2.<br />

nahiÚ asatya sama påtaka pu≈jå, giri sama hohiÚ ki ko¢ika gu≈jå.<br />

satyamµula saba sukæta suhåe, beda puråna bidita manu gåe.3.<br />

tehi para råma sapatha kari å∂, sukæta saneha avadhi raghurå∂.<br />

båta dæRhåi kumati ha° si bol∂, kumata kubihaga kulaha janu khol∂.4.<br />

ìI have now understood the whole mystery,î said the king with a smile; ìYou are<br />

extremely fond of being angry. You kept the boons in reserve and never asked for<br />

them; as for myself, I forgot all about them, being oblivious by nature. Pray do not level<br />

a false charge against me; you might as well ask four boons instead of two. It has<br />

always been the rule with the race of Raghu that oneís plighted word must be<br />

redeemed even at the cost of oneís life. Even a multitude of sins cannot be matched<br />

with a lie. Can millions of tiny Gu¤jå seeds ever stand comparison with a mountain?<br />

Veracity is the root of all noble virtues, as is well-known in the Vedas and Puråƒas and<br />

has been declared by Manu (the first law-giver of the world, the author of Manusmæti).<br />

Over and above this I have unwittingly sworn by Råma, the Lord of Raghus, who is<br />

the very perfection of virtue and the highest embodiment of affection.î Having thus<br />

bound him to his word the evil-minded queen smilingly said, removing as it were the<br />

cap from the eyes of her hawk-like plot.* (1ó4)<br />

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Á÷ÁÀ‹ÁŸ Á¡Á◊ ¿UÊ«∏UŸ ø„UÁà ’øŸÈ ÷ÿ¢∑§L§ ’Ê¡ÈH 28H<br />

Do.: bhµupa manoratha subhaga banu sukha subiha≈ga samåju,<br />

bhillini jimi chåRana cahati bacanu bhaya≈karu båju.28.<br />

The kingís desire (to see Råma installed as the prince-regent of Ayodhyå)<br />

represented a lovely grove and the joy (that prevailed everywhere) stood for a host of<br />

charming birds. Queen Kaikey∂, who resembled a Bh∂la woman, sought to release a<br />

fierce falcon in the form of her piercing words. (28)<br />


* Fowlers who maintain a hawk with them generally keep its eyes covered by a leather cap so that it<br />

may not attack any and every bird it sees indiscriminately, and uncover its eyes only when they intend it to<br />

attack its prey.

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