Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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352 *<br />

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n∂låmbuja‹yåmalakomalå∆ga≈ s∂tåsamåropitavåmabhågam,<br />

påƒau mahåsåyakacårucåpa≈ namåmi råma≈ raghuva≈‹anåtham.3.<br />

I adore ›r∂ Råma, the Lord of Raghuís race, whose limbs are as dark and soft as<br />

a blue lotus, who has S∂tå enthroned on His left side and who holds in His hands a<br />

mighty arrow and a graceful bow. (3)<br />

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Do.: ‹r∂guru carana saroja raja nija manu mukuru sudhåri,<br />

baranau° raghubara bimala jasu jo dåyaku phala cåri.<br />

Cleansing the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus feet of the revered<br />

Guru, I sing ›r∂ Råmaís untarnished glory, that bestows the four rewards of human life.<br />

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Cau.: jaba te° råmu byåhi ghara åe, nita nava ma≈gala moda badhåe.<br />

bhuvana cåridasa bhµudhara bhår∂, sukæta megha baraahiÚ sukha bår∂.1.<br />

ridhi sidhi sa≈pati nad∂° suhå∂, umagi avadha a≈budhi kahu° å∂.<br />

manigana pura nara nåri sujåt∂, suci amola su≈dara saba bhå°t∂.2.<br />

kahi na jåi kachu nagara bibhµut∂, janu etania bira≈ci karatµut∂.<br />

saba bidhi saba pura loga sukhår∂, råmaca≈da mukha ca≈du nihår∂.3.<br />

mudita måtu saba sakh∂° sahel∂, phalita biloki manoratha bel∂.<br />

råma rµupu guna s∂lu subhåµu, pramudita hoi dekhi suni råµu.4.<br />

From the day ›r∂ Råma returned home duly married, there was new festivity and<br />

jubilant music everyday. The fourteen spheres were like huge mountains on which clouds<br />

in the shape of meritorious deeds poured showers of joy. The water thus discharged<br />

formed into gorgeous rivers of affluence, success and prosperity, that rose in spate and<br />

flowed into the ocean of Ayodhyå. The men and women of the city were like jewels of a<br />

fine quality, bright, priceless and charming in everyway. The splendour of the capital was<br />

beyond description; it seemed as if the Creatorís workmanship had been exhausted there.<br />

Gazing on the moon-like face of ›r∂ Råmacandra the citizens were all happy in everyway.<br />

All the mothers with their companions and maids were delighted to see the creeper of their<br />

heartís desire bear fruit. The king was particularly enraptured when he saw or heard of ›r∂<br />

Råmaís beauty, goodness, amiability and genial disposition. (1ó4)<br />

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