Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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186 *<br />

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Ayodhyå as rulers of men in the form of Da‹aratha and Kausalyå. In their house I shall<br />

take birth in the form of four brothers, the ornament of Raghuís line. I shall justify all that<br />

was uttered by Nårada and shall descend with My Supreme Energy. In this way I shall<br />

relieve the earth of all its burden; be fearless, O gods.î As the divine voice from heaven<br />

reached the godís ears they returned forthwith with their heart soothed.Then Brahmå<br />

admonished Earth, who was rid of all fear and felt reassured in her heart. (1ó5)<br />

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Do.: nija lokahi bira≈ci ge devanha ihai sikhåi,<br />

bånara tanu dhari dhari mahi hari pada sevahu jåi.187.<br />

Then Brahmå proceeded to his realm after thus instructing the gods: ìAssuming<br />

the form of monkeys you go to the earth and adore the feet of ›r∂ Hari.î<br />

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(187)<br />

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Cau.: gae deva saba nija nija dhåmå, bhµumi sahita mana kahu° bi‹råmå.<br />

jo kachu åyasu brahmå° d∂nhå, harae deva bila≈ba na k∂nhå.1.<br />

banacara deha dhar∂ chiti måh∂°, atulita bala pratåpa tinha påh∂°.<br />

giri taru nakha åyudha saba b∂rå, hari måraga citavahiÚ matidh∂rå.2.<br />

giri kånana jaha° taha° bhari pµur∂, rahe nija nija an∂ka raci rµur∂.<br />

yaha saba rucira carita maiÚ bhåå, aba so sunahu jo b∂cahiÚ råkhå.3.<br />

avadhapur∂° raghukulamani råµu, beda bidita tehi dasaratha nåµu° .<br />

dharama dhura≈dhara gunanidhi gyån∂, hædaya° bhagati mati såra° gapån∂.4.<br />

All the gods went to their several abodes alongwith Earth; they all felt relieved<br />

in their heart. And the gods were delighted to receive the orders that Brahmå gave,<br />

and lost no time in carrying them out. They took the form of monkeys on earth; their<br />

might and glory were incomparable. They were all brave and had mountains, trees and<br />

nails for their weapons. Resolute of mind, they awaited the advent of ›r∂ Hari,<br />

swarming on mountains and in woods wherever they liked and dividing themselves into<br />

gallant troops of their own. I have related to you all this interesting account; now hear<br />

that which was interrupted before. In the city of Ayodhyå there ruled a king who was<br />

a jewel of Raghuís race; he was called Da‹aratha, a name which is familiar in the<br />

Vedas. He was a champion of virtue, a repository of good qualities and a man of<br />

wisdom; he was a sincere devotee of God Viƒu (the wielder of the ›år∆ga bow) and<br />

his mind was also set on Him. (1ó4)

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