Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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886 *<br />

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Cau.: binu prayåsa hanumåna u¢håyo, la≈kå dvåra råkhi puni åyo,<br />

tåsu marana suni sura ga≈dharbå, caRhi bimåna åe nabha sarbå.1.<br />

barai sumana du≈dubh∂° bajåvahiÚ, ‹r∂raghunåtha bimala jasu gåvahiÚ.<br />

jaya ana≈ta jaya jagadådhårå, tumha prabhu saba devanhi nistårå.2.<br />

astuti kari sura siddha sidhåe, lachimana kæpåsi≈dhu pahiÚ åe.<br />

suta badha sunå dasånana jabah∂°, muruchita bhayau pareu mahi tabah∂°.3.<br />

ma≈dodar∂ rudana kara bhår∂, ura tåRana bahu bhå° ti pukår∂.<br />

nagara loga saba byåkula socå, sakala kahahiÚ dasaka≈dhara pocå.4.<br />

Hanumån lifted him without any exertion and after placing him at the main gate of<br />

La∆kå returned. Hearing of his death, the gods as well as the Gandharvas all appeared<br />

in the heavens in their aerial cars. Raining down flowers, they beat their drums and sang<br />

the spotless glory of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of the Raghus). ìGlory to Lord Ananta! Glory<br />

to the support of the whole universe! You, O lord, have delivered the gods.î Having thus<br />

hymned his praises, the gods as well as the Siddhas went their way, while Lakmaƒa<br />

arrived in the presence of the All-merciful. The moment the ten-headed monster heard<br />

the news of his sonís death, he dropped senseless to the ground. Mandodar∂ made<br />

grievous lamentation, beating her breast and crying in many ways. The citizens were all<br />

smitten with grief; everyone abused Råvaƒa. (1ó4)<br />

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Do.: taba dasaka≈¢ha bibidhi bidhi samujhå∂° saba nåri,<br />

nasvara rµupa jagata saba dekhahu hædaya° bicåri.77.<br />

The ten-headed monster then consoled all the womenfolk in various ways.<br />

ìPerceive and realize in your heartî, he said, ìThat the entire universe is perishable.î (77)<br />

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Cau.: tinhahi gyåna upadeså råvana, åpuna ma≈da kathå subha påvana.<br />

para upadesa kusala bahutere, je åcarahiÚ te nara na ghanere.1.<br />

niså siråni bhayau bhinusårå, lage bhålu kapi cårihu° dvårå.<br />

subha¢a bolåi dasånana bolå, rana sanmukha jå kara mana Œolå.2.<br />

so abah∂° baru jåu parå∂, sa≈juga bimukha bhae° na bhalå∂.<br />

nija bhuja bala maiÚ bayaru baRhåvå, dehau° utaru jo ripu caRhi åvå.3.<br />

asa kahi maruta bega ratha såjå, båje sakala jujhåµu båjå.

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