Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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LAÃKÅ-KÅ°NœA *<br />

897<br />

When he refused to look at them, the monkeys in their fury bit him with their teeth<br />

and kicked him. His wives too they seized by their locks and dragged out of doors while<br />

they cried most piteously. Then at last he rose, furious as Death, and, catching hold of<br />

the monkeys by their legs, he threw them away. Meanwhile, when he saw that the<br />

monkeys had wrecked the sacrifice, he felt discomfited at heart.<br />

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Do.: jagya bidha≈si kusala kapi åe raghupati påsa,<br />

caleu nisåcara kruddha hoi tyågi jivana kai åsa.85.<br />

Having wrecked his sacrifice the monkeys safely returned to the Lord of the<br />

Raghus; while the demon (Råvaƒa) set out ablaze with fury, abandoning all hope of<br />

life. (85)<br />

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Cau.: calata hohiÚ ati asubha bhaya≈kara, bai¢hahiÚ g∂dha uRåi siranha para.<br />

bhayau kålabasa kåhu na månå, kahesi bajåvahu juddha nisånå.1.<br />

cal∂ tam∂cara an∂ apårå, bahu gaja ratha padåti asavårå.<br />

prabhu sanmukha dhåe khala kaise° , salabha samµuha anala kaha° jaise° .2.<br />

ihå° devatanha astuti k∂nh∂, dåruna bipati hamahi ehiÚ d∂nh∂.<br />

aba jani råma khelåvahu eh∂, atisaya dukhita hoti baideh∂.3.<br />

deva bacana suni prabhu musukånå, u¢hi raghub∂ra sudhåre bånå.<br />

ja¢å jµu¢a dæRha bå° dhe° måthe, sohahiÚ sumana b∂ca bica gåthe.4.<br />

aruna nayana bårida tanu syåmå, akhila loka locanåbhiråmå.<br />

ka¢ita¢a parikara kasyo nia≈gå, kara koda≈Œa ka¢hina såra≈gå.5.<br />

Evil omens of a most fearful nature occurred to him even as he went. Vultures flew<br />

and perched on his heads. Being in the jaws of death, he paid no heed to anyone and<br />

exclaimed : ìBeat the drums of war.î The demon host appeared endless as it marched<br />

on with its myriads of elephants, chariots, foot-soldiers and horsemen. The wicked<br />

demons rushed to face the Lord like a swarm of moths darting towards fire. At this end<br />

the gods prayed to the Lord : ìThis fellow (Råvaƒa) has inflicted terrible suffering on us.<br />

Play with him no more, Råma; Videhaís Daughter (S∂tå) is feeling most disconsolate.î<br />

The Lord smiled to hear the godsí prayer; the Hero of Raghuís line rose and put His

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