Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA

Sri Rama Charita Manasa - Shri Sita Ram Foundation, USA


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434 *<br />

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aversion for the enjoyments of the world of sense. It is only when right understanding<br />

comes that the error of delusion disappears and then alone one develops love for the<br />

feet of ›r∂ Råma (the Lord of Raghus). O friend, the highest spiritual goal is this: to be<br />

devoted to the feet of ›r∂ Råma in thought, word and deed. ›r∂ Råma is no other than<br />

Brahma (God), the supreme Reality, unknown, imperceptible, beginningless,<br />

incomparable, free from all change and beyond all diversity. The Vedas ever speak of<br />

Him in negative terms (not this).î (1ó4)<br />

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∑§⁄Uà øÁ⁄Uà œÁ⁄U ◊ŸÈ¡ ÃŸÈ ‚ÈŸÃ Á◊≈U®„U ¡ª ¡Ê‹H 93H<br />

Do.: bhagata bhµumi bhµusura surabhi sura hita lågi kæpåla,<br />

karata carita dhari manuja tanu sunata mi¢ahiÚ jaga jåla.93.<br />

ìFor the sake of His devotees, Earth, the Bråhmaƒas, cows and gods, the<br />

gracious Lord takes the form of a man and performs actions by hearing of which the<br />

snares of the world are broken asunder.î (93)<br />


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Cau.: sakhå samujhi asa parihari mohµu, siya raghub∂ra carana rata hohµu.<br />

kahata råma guna bhå bhinusårå, jåge jaga ma≈gala sukhadårå.1.<br />

sakala sauca kari råma nahåvå, suci sujåna ba¢a ch∂ra magåvå.<br />

anuja sahita sira ja¢å banåe, dekhi suma≈tra nayana jala chåe.2.<br />

hædaya° dåhu ati badana mal∂nå, kaha kara jori bacana ati d∂nå.<br />

nåtha kaheu asa kosalanåthå, lai rathu jåhu råma ke° såthå.3.<br />

banu dekhåi surasari anhavå∂, ånehu pheri begi dou bhå∂.<br />

lakhanu råmu siya ånehu pher∂, sa≈saya sakala sa° koca niber∂.4.<br />

ìRealizing this, O friend, shed all infatuation and be devoted to the feet of S∂tå and the<br />

Hero of Raghuís race.î While Lakmaƒa was yet recounting ›r∂ Råmaís virtues, the day<br />

dawned and the Joy and Delighter of the world woke up. After finishing all purificatory acts<br />

›r∂ Råma, who was all pure and wise, performed His ablutions and sent for some milk of the<br />

banyan tree. He as well as His brother then matted the hair on their heads, a sight which<br />

filled the eyes of Sumantra with tears. With great agony in his heart and a doleful face he<br />

joined his palms and spoke in most piteous accents, The king of Kosala, my lord, charged<br />

me thus: ëTake the chariot and go with Råma; let him see the forest and bathe in the Ga∆gå<br />

and then speedily bring the two brothers back. Setting at rest all their doubts and scruples<br />

do bring Lakmaƒa, Råma and S∂tå back to their home.í (1ó4)

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